A Passing Breeze - Part 13

With that jump, the tracks began to run colder. As much as Oliver strained his eyes, the mud trail that he'd left became increasingly difficult to spot. He hadn't touched the ground in some time, so there was nothing to re-wet the ink of his brush, as he painted on the canvas that was the tent roofs.

Oliver found himself standing still an increasing amount. Nila, naturally, saw through what was happening, without him needing to say. Throughout their pursuit, they'd come closer and closer to the edge of the tent encampment, and now they were almost about to dive straight into the plains, with just another few tents to go.

They could see the perimeter of Blackwell and Karstly soldiers that had been set up. They could only hope that the killer hadn't managed to make it beyond their border before the order had been given for his capture.

"If the tracks are running out, we might have to begin guessing his intentions," Verdant noted.