To War - Part 3

About the only thing that seemed to be holding the woman together was the idea that they could well capture her family – and indeed, that would be their intentions, for they still had worth as royals – rather than seeing them hurt. It was the sort of abstraction that tried to view it as a political manoeuvre – of which her family had already tried many against her – rather than a militaristic one, even if it was at the cost of denial to oneself.

As the meeting proceeded, Blackwell already had his men coming in and out, giving orders to stop the rest of the army, ordering them to mobilize, and dismantle their tents. They were intent on moving already. Of course, given the flow of conversation, Oliver had expected it to be so, but when he saw, and with Ingolsol and Claudia's awareness, felt the movement from those men, further afield, it came with a certainty, and it made his fear spike.