War at the Gates - Part 8

But the fire came short lived, As quickly as he was there, Oliver was gone. He had charged forward, as if there was nothing more important in the world than attacking the advanced archers, and then, so suddenly, he had veered off to the side at a trot, as if his intentions had been entirely different from the start.

A few volleys of arrows came thudding after him, landing confusedly in the empty snow. It was hard to tell quite what Oliver's intentions were in that sudden attack. Or even what his attentions were now that had given to a trot, and was veering off to the right.

"…He's attempting to get a better view of our defences," Hendrick guessed.

"Why would he need a better view? He bloody built them!" Fritzer said hotly, irritated that the sweeping blow of his hand, that he'd put so much force into, had hit nothing but empty air. "Err… Apologies, my prince."