The Dragon's Wrath - Part 1

"Can you not keep your concentrations until the job is done?" Hendrick said, with just the slightest edge to his voice. "I still do see Oliver Patrick standing, with his head on his shoulders. And, the engagement to the right… It's not set to overwhelm in a single instant. Show me the finished product, if you so wish to bicker."


Chapter 14 – The Dragon's Wrath


There they were, right in the heart of a murky swamp, a problem of the most impossible sort. If Oliver had tried to summon up the logical mind that he had once been so proud of seeing cultivated within the Academy, and seen to it that a path was built, the despair might have overwhelmed him.

There was nothing to grasp at, no straws to pull, nothing that the eyes could draw in that might give them any sort of option.