Verdant took charge then. "Gar. I will be borrowing you. There are issues to solve."
Unexpectedly, Gar did not protest. He simply followed along behind Verdant wordlessly, the instant the order was spoken.
'There's something else in that,' Oliver realized, seeing Gar act as such. Another spark, another piece of the fire, another thing of significance that his mind so wanted to dissect. The evidence of another magic that he didn't understand. He had to fight – and mightily did he fight – to stop himself from creating a grand theory off the back of it all. Such was the way Oliver's mind operated, whether it was by birth, or by the influence of Ingolsol and Claudia, he demanded that all things and evidences fall victim to his own grand ideas – few things could be allowed to exist simply as they were. And yet Oliver, once again, forced himself to, despite the degree that it pained him, and despite the significant effort that it took.