They shattered through the walls of men, like a giant flood crushing through the long held rock formation of an area. They dragged all they had along with them. Three hundred men, all sharpened towards one particular purpose. None with a will of their own – it was the will of the collective.
Even Oliver had forsaken his will. The very will that had managed to keep Ingolsol in check for so long, against the flow of Command that ran through all his men, even it was able to be subordinated. He cast his mind aside. Not his purpose, but their purpose, and in return, he felt that rushing of return Command, that which made the likes of Khan and Blackwell so powerful in individual combat. The bravery to set aside oneself and become something beyond a man. It was necessary to do so. To fight beyond a man, naturally, one had to become more than a man was. One had to be the heart of the collective. Such was the rush of a General.