"They brought their own supplies, Greeves, you know that well enough," Jorah said. "Keeping them alive puts no further strain on our resources. And you know as well as I do why Ser Patrick has left them be."
"Lulling them into calmness, aye, I know," Greeves said. "But they could have been the ones to toss their weapons in a ditch… We shouldn't be wasted on this."
"Are you still going to question the General, after all he's achieved?" Jorah said. "Could you have won that battle, in his shoes? Why do you presume that your mind is greater than his?"
"…" Greeves twisted his lips. "Yer not wrong, but I don't like the way you've started talking, Jorah. You're sounding like Lord Idris. Am I going to be having a hard time talking with you as well in future?"
Jorah whipped his head toward the merchant. "Do you understand what we've just overcome, Greeves?"