The Lord Idris set himself to striding away through the snow that covered the stone ramparts, and with an iron grip on Blackthorn's arm, he dragged her away too, despite the twist of her lips. Having wanted to say something to Nila, the best she could settle for was returning Nila's enthusiastic wave of her arm with a small wave of her own.
"Those two ought to be resting," Nila said, a good deal more lightly than she normally would have, when her voice would usually be so laden with concern. "As should you," he said, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly, as if to drive a psychological spear through him.
Oliver's only eyes narrowed, and his lips didn't move to reflect the smile, but one could tell that he was smiling nonetheless. "We both know that was never likely to happen. But I can say the same to you, little Nila. You've worked hard. You're entitled to a good deal of rest."