"And if we hadn't, I imagine we would be in quite the deal of trouble," Karstly said, spinning the dagger that he had pointed at Blackthorn, its metal tickling the wood of the table as it went around and around. "I have heard talk of hostages, Blackwell. How do you intend to make use of them?"
That was another reason for Blackwell to scowl. Karstly always seemed to have more information than he ought to have been privy to.
"There was no mention in the letter of any hostages," General Blackthorn said. "Or are you playing favourites, Blackwell, and giving some us more information than others?"
"I can assure you, that is not the case," Blackwell said. "And it would be convenient if you would verify that matter for me, Karstly."
"Welllll, I'm sure it would be," Karstly said, as ever, choosing the most irritating stance.
"There was no mention of hostages in my letter either," Rainheart said, when no one else seemed to be offering a hand.