The Ripples of Victory - Part 9

"I am not in disagreement," Karstly said. "There are old tigers slumbering away in the lands of Gaia with the House of the Treeants that have not been aroused in decades. And the House of Wyndon too holds threats that I can not be so casual around. But for that very reason, it is worth taking a risk, is it not? Has Oliver Patrick not proved that? How freely do you old gentlemen now breath, after one unlikely victory? We need several unlikely victories, if we are to consider matching the might of our enemy."

"You take too many risks," Broadstone said. "We will only invite calamity if we continue to push our luck. Can we not take the victory that Oliver Patrick has offered us, acknowledge it to be the degree of luck that we needed, and not force more out of the hands of the Gods?"