"You know who arises from their slumber," Tavar said. "You know what minds shall be joined against you. The royal stratagems shall come by our command only. In times of the war, it is the Generals that give their orders. The High King will be forced to step back, even against his own will. We have a duty to defend him, and we will see that carried out."
"I can only hope that it plays out as you say it shall," Hod said. "Truly. For all your efforts, it would be a great misfortune to see our noble King cast them all down."
"You will not win, Hod," Tavar said again. "You ought join us, and cling to your life. You have an ideal. Your Time of Tigers. This is not that time. You should wait a while longer. If you join us, this rebellion will cease to exist by the end of the month. You can restore peace to the realm, if you so will it."