

Moans and gasps could be heard inside the small door where there lies two men entangled with each other, one trusting and grunting as he entered the chrysanthemum of the one on the bottom as he moans loudly in pleasure to ease the pain he's feeling.

The two when on as they didn't realize the boyfriend of the man underneath had got out from work early because his subordinates wanted him to rest due to him working his heart all day long in his office and only going out to get his daily needs.

When the man entered the house he didn't knock because it is his house, as he was walking in his house moans and grunts could be heard coming from inside the master bedroom door, he put down his bag and hung his coat and walked towards the master bedroom door were he then turned the knob and pushed the door.

The sight that was beholded to him was two men entangled with each other, one on top is the thruster and the one on the bottom is his boyfriend now ex boyfriend .

Silence filled the room for awhile before Aster said "Sorry for interrupting."Then closed the door slowly and walked away to sit down on the couch turned on the tv and watched the news. He thought of how shameless the two are doing it on his bed in his house.

While the two men entangled with each other emediantly stopped on what they're doing and stood up and wore their clothes then walked to were Aster is. They sat down with Aster then it became more awkward than before the one on top said "Im just going to go."He left leaving the two exes to deal with the problem.

"So when did that start Ren?." Asked Aster

"When you started overworking yourself I-."

"You were lonely without me and knowing we were still are together for 3 years you decided to cheat and sleep with other men." Aster cutted him off and sighed softly and continued "How many men did you sleep with."

"Well um.. I don't know."Ren said as he looked away from Aster.

*sigh "Lets break up."Aster said coldly.

"Ah please don't, i promise that I will make it up to you." Ren said nervously.

"No no need for that I'll just give you ten thousand dollars for compensation and give some to to your family, Tell aunt that I said hello."Aster then stood up and walked outside to ride his car.

Rens mother was like his mother since she was so nice to him cooking him his favorites everytime he visits just like his deceased mother.

He didn't get to say his goodbye to his mother when she suddenly got a heart attack when she was cooking food for when he got home and when he did food turned cold as he looked at his mother's cold body he called the ambulance but it was too late she was dead an hour before he got home from work. He became cold to other people but his mother and his and Rens mother.

As he was driving towards his villa the wheels sliped on a turn and that sent his car rolling down a cliff and then stopped at the bottom where he blacked out. After awhile he regained consciousness and looked around to see himself bloodied and upside down, he took of the seat beat and that sent his body to the cars ceiling he then tried opening the door but to no avail it couldn't he positioned himself to kick the door and when he did it was already stuck and couldn't open.

He thought if his regret's being not spending time with his mother and not finding love or even felt it. "Hahaha i didn't even get to know the feeling of real love." He sighed and looked at his pendant where a little picture resided. Inside was his small self his mother and a childhood friend but he forgot his name or any memories containing that person and only knowing that he was a child hood friend of his.

And alas he felt his eyes closing slowly and its getting colder as he was closing his eyes then it was dark there was nothing but oblivion so this is death Aster sighed.

Ren's P.O.V

I didn't really get it. Why he doesn't pay attention to me and only focused on working i got tried of always waiting for him even if he gets me what i want he doesn't satisfy all my need and i mean the romace one he only gets me somewhere when it's Valentine's Day, Summer, Christmas and New Year.

I know im being selfish but what can i say it was like a dream when he accepted my confession of love I was surprised to even see him come and i actually thought he was going to reject me but he accepted i was so happy back then I even got him to eat lunch with me every time and being the top one on our grade he studied alot to even care on other things and they called him 'Prince Studius' .

After sometime his company got bigger and his time with me much smaller as he got busier each time i sometimes even forgot that he and I were together either way I always felt lonely when he was working then i got drunk with some friends and they thought i was single so they hooked me up with some of their other friends.

When i woke up i was home but with another guy in bed i was mad at myself for cheating but i felt i wasn't lonely for ones that he wasn't here so i continued my relationship with the man his name was Anthony and he was actually pretty nice.

We got to go on dates and went to movies then it hit me i was in a relationship with someone else and that was the workaholic Aster he was sweet but too focused on his work and only got some tiny time to spare with me.

I was with Anthony in the house doing it but then the door open and to my horror Aster was looking at us coldly. Silence filled the room as he then said "Sorry for interrupting." Then closed the door we got off each othed and went to put on clouths Anthony asked me "Who was that?. " he softly said "It was my boyfriend." I couldn't lie anymore Aster caught us red handed and it pained me that if the lies got too far i will live the rest of my life living a lie.

Anthony then said "I hope you guy get a nice life."

He stood up and walked outside and sat down beside Aster watching the new i followed after. Then akward silence filled the room but was broken by Anthony standing up and leaving saying "Im just going to go." And he went away.

Aster then opened his mouth and asked me "When did that start Ren?."He didn't say my name coldly before i could tell he was mad at me.

I then answered "Since you started overworking yourself I-."I said nervously as i looked at his expression when he then suddenly cut me off by saying. "You were lonely without me and knowing we were still are together for 3 years you decided to cheat and sleep with other men." He cutted me off and he sighed softly and continued "How many men did you sleep with."

I answered "Well um.. I don't know."I said as I looked away from him.

*sigh "Lets break up."Aster said coldly.

"Ah please don't, i promise that I will make it up to you." I said nervously.

"No no need for that I'll just give you ten thousand dollars for compensation and give some to to your family, Tell aunt that I said hello."Aster said as he then stood up and walked outside to ride his car. I watched it drive way and left me here alone i then felt wetness on my face to see that i was crying.

Then after awhile of me sulking i fell asleep and when i woke up i was greeted by a news saying the CEO of the Hiroshima company is found dead in a car crash.


What do you guys think is this much better than the previous one.