
Aster's [The hidden love]

Aster's P.O.V

It's been boring lately my school mates are just there doing some stuff, i already miss June

she's the only one who loved me unlike my grandfather who only wanted me to study so that i can inherit the company, it's not actually bad i like work and take it seriously but i want to be an artist who shows his emotions through works of art like painting and drawing my father and mother supported me but my grandfather cutted all the connections to them and only kept mine, for me to take the company up to the top of course i can do that and because of that my future is secured but on second thought,i only want to live a simple life get a wife have children and stuff like that.

Third P.O.V

Aster was walking to get his notebook that has fallen from the window but then

"Are you sure about this i mean you and Aster have been together for 3 years."As Aster heard that he felt that the voice was really familiar and yes he was right it was his best friends voice

"What do you mean are you really rejecting me." Then there it was Aster suddenly felt a chill in his spine"Its not that,your hot and all but how about Aster."Herald? "

Hah who cares i only needed him for score in my test so that my pesky parents will give me what i want.

"June you only wanted me for your grades huh, so my 3year relationship with you was just nothing to you yet i cherished every single second with you but then i was just your tool *tch this is what i get for trying to be nice i have been nice because of you but seems that it was all for nothing im just nothing to you.

"hah ha hahahahahahaha."

Aster's voice echoed at the eardrums of his best friend and girlfriend ,they looked through the corner of the wall to see Aster staring at them like bugs "Ah Aster he was harassing me telling me if i don't go with him he'll report me."

You though you could do that but no you cant you witch "Herald good to see you i was looking for you everywhere." Herald looked at me and said im sorry man, I signaled its ok good thing you didn't go with her,Aster said "Are we good."he said "Of course." I replied

Aster and Herald then proceeded to walk away from Aster's Ex girlfriend but then she ran and hugged Aster saying "Aster it was all a joke please don't break up with me the one i wasn't using wasn't you it was Herald."Because of that Herald became furious but Aster signed him to stop so he did and Aster said "Don't mind this trash." Aster then glared at his ex and shook off her arm and walked away with Herald.

As moments passed Herald then said "Du-."but he didn't say it anymore he knew. that even if he looked fine outside he is crying inside he didn't show it anymore because it was a waste of emotions for him and Aster.

After sometime they graduated and when to work Aster got to be the Ceo of his grandfather's company and made it too the top, some didn't accept it and wanted him dead while Herald got to be a 5 star chef he and Aster sometimes fight for who ever made the best dish while June got to be a famous model. And you might think this is the End but is it really.....



is the perio so near


i know like math and hate it the same time

im sorry

here since you gone so far

By sometime Aster's company got really big and many hired killers onto him he didn't get killed for a while but his grandfather had already passed away from aging and he didn't get married because he is too secured to love again afraid of getting hurt, but little did he know that some one has been loving him dearly for years now but because of death he didn't get to confess to Aster.....


Im jzshhskshsgauw mhdjyzjystif

ill be back