Making Agreement

Curiosity, the urge to know something is quite a common thing in humans. If you're about to meet someone, you instantly become keen to know about them. I guess everyone isn't same so I shouldn't be thinking too much about this issue.

" Well Stella now that you know my name I'd like to discuss something with you about our marriage." She looked at me thinking how I know her name, which is obvious that I got it from my parents yesterday. She looked at me saying " Yeah sure,say what you want."

" Thing is, I actually don't wanna get married." As soon I said those word, there was a sudden change on her face. Instead of being sad she actually looked quite happy, like she wanted to hear those words.

" What a coincidence! I wanted to say the same thing to you!" She exclaimed in joy.

It's quite normal for people now a day to find their partner on their own. Arrange marriage thing is not liked by people that much. People either likes to live in or lead a carefree life without worrying about future and family.

She might also be in a relationship just like I am, at least I can finally get over from this marriage interview.

" Yeah I can understand I too have a relationship but I'm still not ready to settle down and my family keeps on forcing me."

" No,no I don't have any boyfriend nor in a relationship. I just don't want to get married at the moment."

" So then there's no problem now. You can tell your parents that you don't want to marry me." Hearing this her smile kanda faded away and she started to rub her neck

" Umm I can't tell this to my parents, I was hopping that you would decline this marriage." She replied laughing nervously at me. The situation here looks same for both of us but our families are stubborn,I don't think any of us can actually decline this.

" You know since we are in same situation I have a way that will benefit us both." She suggested me her breakthrough plan.

" Okay, go ahead, let's hear it." I told her to proceed.

" What if we get married then go back to our everyday life just like it used to be?"

" What do you mean by that?"

" Look, you are in a relationship with someone but you still wanna stay single, on the other hand I want to continue my normal lifestyle so how about we get married and cohabit together, just like flat mates. You can continue being with your girlfriend and I can continue mine as well. We won't bother each other's lifestyle and our families won't bother us with marriage issue.

Unlike you I'll have to get married either way so if you agree to this,you and I both will get benefits from it plus if you want divorce later on, you can do it. This is the the best option for us." After hearing her idea I felt it can actually work. Being husband and wife on papers seems like a good idea to me.

" Your idea isn't that bad at all. We will be husband wife according to everyone on the other hand in real we will be pretending but before we go further I want to clarify one thing, I want you to stay out of my personal life and I'll do the same for you. Is that clear?"

" Crystal clear." She replied with excitement and started to shake my hand. Both of us talked through our plan and finally settled everything.

We came back from garden to the hall where everyone was sitting. Both of our parents were busy talking with each other. They asked us about our approval and we said yes to it. After that meeting our wedding was conformed and it will be held in two weeks.

It won't be hard to arrange everything. We don't have any relatives so most of the guests will be business partners and colleagues.

In the meantime I informed my girlfriend about the whole situation and the agreement I made with my future wife.

At first she got mad at me thinking that I'll make her my mistress but I told her that after few years I'll divorce my wife and then we can get married.

Although I wasn't sure about marrying her but I had to calm her down. I guess this whole thing will give me enough time to think about the marriage and take the right step. I didn't contacted Stella after our meeting because I forgot to ask for her number. I didn't ask my parents either, it'll be awkward and we'll be married in two weeks so I didn't bother to think about it.

Even though Stella seems reliable and honest, I made a contract, putting together every single details of our agreement in it. It's better to have a contact, which will be a solid evidence in future. Now all I have to do is wait for our wedding day.

~ to be continued