The Vow

They say no one is certain about their birth, marriage and death. When we came to this earth, we came with our faith written on our hand. In fact my marriage was probably written by the time I reached earth.

Two weeks after,my wedding day finally came. The arrangements were done efficiently with great care, everything looked perfect. I wore my suit with a black bow, pinning a white rose on the pocket near my chest. Unlike girls, we men are blessed so as long you maintain your face,shave it or trim it according to your face,you're good to go.

No make-up, no touch up or anything, isn't that great?

After putting on my shoe, I went down where mom and dad was waiting for me.

" Theo,look at the time! We are supposed to be there by now. Come quick." Mom rushed outside and got inside the car. I decided not to drive it today so we took the driver a left to the marriage hall.

Everyone was present there at that place. I waited for Stella to come and take our vows.

After waiting for a while, finally the moment came. Mr. Carlton walked the aisle escorting his daughter. I lifted my eyes and saw Stella in her wedding gown. She was looking beautiful indeed and I can see that she kept her look simple and elegant. They walked down the aisle slowly, she was holding a flower bouquet firmly, keeping her head lower.

I took her hand from her father and held it with mine. We looked at each other eyes and I felt a sheer delight inside me which I can't express. Maybe I was excited and kinda happy that after this I won't be bothered by the marriage thing for a while.

We exchanged our vows with each other then I took the ring and placed it on her ring finger. She did the same.

" You may kiss the bride. " the priest announced. We already talked about this before so I kissed her cheeks lightly and everyone applauded with joy and laughter.

We cut the cake together. It was beautiful since my mom picked it for us. I looked at Stella and found her eating the cake plus she had a really big piece of it on her plate. She giggled and continued to eat the cake.

" You know this cake has way too much calories, you'll have work harder on gym after this."

" I don't go to gym so don't worry." Hearing that I wonder how did she maintained her body I mean if she consumes this much calories she should probably look a bit chubby. Being able to eat anything and staying slim is like a blessing for people.

When the night fall, DJ stated to play the songs. I danced with my mom and Stella danced with her father. After that we danced with each other. We danced for a little bit and then I went to attend the guests.

Even though I was always surrounded by people, I only had one loyal friend. Luke is my best friend,we know each other from a long time and he was the best man today. I looked for him but he wasn't at my sight that time. Luke is a good guy but the one thing that irritates me most is his non stop approaches to girls. Sometimes it doesn't matter if she's single or not. I texted him to find where he was and he replied

* Yo I'm getting laid I'll talk to you later

Alligator *

I rolled my eyes looking at the text, this isn't first time it happened. Anyway I went back to talk with the guests.

The rest of the wedding went smoothly, and most of the rituals were done,so no one will be nagging about it later on.

After the wedding we went to my home. I already prepared a separate room for her which was on the same floor as mine. I made this decision after thinking about it carefully. In future if any of our parents visits us we have to pretend that we live in a same room. On the other hand I live here by myself the workers comes at morning and leaves at night, so if anything happens or if she needs anything it'll be easier to reach out.

The whole thing was tiring so none of us talked in the car. I parked my car and opened the door for her. She was holding her heels in her hand and walked barefoot, pulling her dress upper her knee.

My maid Lucy opened the door for us.

" Welcome back master and miss." She greeted us. I looked at the time and it was already 11.30 pm.

" Lucy, you should stay here tonight, it's already late. You can use the spare room." I told her.

Lucy is a middle aged woman, she's been working at my place since I shifted here and she does everything in here. After hearing me out she went to spare room. I took Stella and showed her the room she'll be staying at.

" This is your room and mine is just beside yours, if you need anything just come to my room or give me a call I'll be there." It was already late so we wanted to go to sleep.

" Okay then good night." She jumped on the bed " See you tomorrow."

" Yeah you too." I closed her door and went to my room. I decided to show her around the house tomorrow.

Coming back to my room I changed my clothes and took a cold bath to relief myself from the stress. I dried myself and went to sleep.

~ to be continued