Early Morning

It's already morning, although I don't feel like getting up. In my early days I used to sleep till past eleven but after finishing my high school I became quite serious and I focused on my college life. I used to live in a flat with Luke, since it's easy to attend college from there.

I had to wake up early in the morning for my classes, and from that I developed my habit of getting up early.

I finished getting ready and went to downstairs for breakfast. I saw Lucy already finished arranging the breakfast on table.

" Good morning Lucy. Where's Stella? " I asked her and sat on my chair.

" I went to check on the Miss, she'll come here soon." I heard footsteps and saw it was Stella coming at the table. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt with a pink shorts. Her long hair was down, she probably washed it today, water was dripping from its tip. She took a sit next to my.

" Good morning " greeting me with a smile.

" You should have dried your hair, you'll catch cold like this." I warned her.

" Yeah I know but you see my hair is little thick so it takes much time to dry it. Don't worry I already dried the roots and the tips will be dry soon." She replied me back and started to dig her food.

I got up from my chair and brought the contract and I gave it to her.

" What's this?" She asked me with a confused look on her face.

" Nothing much, I just made this contract with all the details in it, you can read it if you want."

" Okay sure, gimme a minute." She opened the file and literally read every single page while eating her breakfast. She finished the last page then handed it to me after signing it.

" Okay, all done, you should check it out and tell me if I need to sign any where else." I checked the it and all the signs were done.

" I am sorry for being rude, I thought it's better to keep a legal contract so that in future it won't effect us."

" No no it's fine, I don't mind at all and you don't have to be formal with me just think of me as your friend! It's better to short out things rather than having misunderstandings about it." I was amazed by her straight forward attitude, not only she signed the papers without making fuss about it but also she offered her friendship to me.

" So what you'll be doing now ? Your stuffs are already shifted here and I arranged them in your room."

" Well after I graduated from my college I've been living at home. You could say I'm a

shut-in person who minds her own business. I wanted to apply for jobs but dad didn't let me work so they started looking for guys."

She was talking frankly but I can feel her sadness though her eyes, they looked gloomy. " You know now that I'm married to you I feel like I got my freedom honesty you are much better person than I thought."

She giggled at me giving me a thumbs up.

I felt like she was living in a cage that her parents made for her. But she's no longer inside it. I can change her life, and let her fly.

" As long we keep pretending to be husband and wife in front of everyone I'm satisfied. Apart from it you can live your life as you wish. You can try for jobs, in fact you can apply in my company if you want." Hearing my word she got excited and I saw a spark in her eyes, like they were not gloomy any longer.

" Are you serious ? I can apply for jobs? Won't it effect your reputation? Since you're a CEO of a company and your wife is working somewhere? "

" It doesn't matter. A job is a job after all. Every single person works hard to earn, some works for their passion and I think girls should also be financially strong and work where they want. I don't know why your parents never let you work but you're married to me now so I give you freedom to do what you want." Stella's father Mr. Carlton is wealthy enough but I guess his way of thinking isn't quite good. Stella's younger brother Neil is leading the company even though he's only twenty. He is also doing his studies at the same time. It's not right to treat their children according to their gender.

Right now I can only help Stella to live the life she deserves.

" I'll try applying for jobs and hope I get in somewhere and I think I should avoid applying at your company it'll be little awkward to call you my boss."

She laughed at me and I can see her happiness. We finished our food and I left from there. Even though I just got married I have to attend my office, I don't like to delay my work.

I called Lucy and said

" Lucy please take care of Stella, show her around the house and make sure she eats well."

I got in my car and Stella came to the door waving me goodbye.

"I'll be coming home late so don't wait for

me "

Driving on the road I realised that I am starting a new life and I just made a new friend. I hope we can continue our lives like we wished for.

~ to be continued