Ragging Storm

I started dating since I was in high school. In my school days I was quite popular among my classmates. I get confessions from girls very often. But I never felt any kind of spark when I was in those relationships, it was like same thing but different person. I never felt the love or experienced the romance like you see in movies and novels.

My dating life continued like this, all my relationships lasted two or three months hardly. I either get irritated or they detested me. After I got in my college, I started to visit strip clubs more often. One night stand seems more relaxing to me rather than being in relationships. Although I never cheated anyone or disrespected them when I was in those relationships. My mom always made sure that I grow up to be a gentleman man, I should treat everyone morally and I should never look down upon women. But I received all of them except for one thing. As I grew up I became a workaholic and that's how I forgot to enjoy life like most other people.

My current girlfriend is Regina York, whom I'm dating since two years. The only reason our relationship lasted this long is that she is a mature girl. I met her at a business interview. Since we both are busy with our companies, we don't have to meet each other everyday. I feel like keeping this gap made it possible for us to stay in this relationship.

Regina took over her dad's company after getting her degree. She's quite tall, blessed with a curvy body with fair complexion and got short blonde hair. Her personality isn't that bad, but she's fond of portraying herself as a strong person like an alpha female.

Even though I have informed her about this whole marriage thing on phone, I still haven't talked to her face to face. It's been a week since I got married and I was thinking about meeting with her.

Just like usual I was in my office checking the files,I heard my phone ringing. The caller ID showed Regina.

" Hey " I said picking up the phone,

" Don't 'hey' me now! Do you have any responsibility or a little sense of moral? It's been a week! Yet just like usual you're busy with your work,don't you think that you should have contacted me a long ago ?

If you think that you're gonna make me your mistress or side chick then you better forget about it..."

" Why are you even bringing it up ? Didn't I talked about this before it happened? I know I should have met you little earlier but I had works to do." I replied back cutting into her speech.

" Enough with your excuses I'm meeting you right now! This moment! You better come home fast."

" Don't go to my house, let's meet at cafe near my office I'll come by there."

" Too late I'm already at your doorstep and someone coming to open it now." She hung up on me after saying that.

I have talked with Stella about my girlfriend but the way Regina sounded now, she's definitely gonna argue with Stella. I don't want her to go though any misconceptions because of me.

I called John and told him to look after here until I came back. I got in my car and started to drive it in panic. But when one thing goes bad others will keep adding up to them.

" Bloody hell! How come there's so much traffic at this time!" I shouted to myself.

I looked at my phone and already half hour was gone. There's no text or call from Stella or Regina. I hope both of them are okay. I have seen girls doing cat fight over boys and the worst thing is Stella will be dominated by Regina. Even though I've known Stella for a while, I can tell her nature isn't violent or blustery. On the other hand Regina is arrogant and aggressive, she might end up making her sad with her words.

I drove as fast I could. After reaching home I was only praying that everything was cool.

To my shock, I entered there to see those two girls eating fried chicken and pizza, chatting with each other.

After noticing me Stella waved her hand

" Welcome back " both Stella and Regina said at same time.

I sat on couch next to their's and kept analysing the whole situation.

What the hell happened here? What did I miss ?

" You could have told me that your girlfriend is gonna visit us. But thankfully she came on the right time, I was about to order fried chicken. Anyway I order extra, we have some for you too, wanna try?" Stella offered me the box of chicken.

" This fried chicken is so finger licking good! How come I never tried them?!" Regina exclaimed. Her lips were stained with sauce, which I saw for the first time.

Regina, who never ate anything that isn't from five star restaurant or cooked by eminent chefs, was eating deep fried chicken drenched in spicy sauce.

Literally a sight you never seen. At least not me.

" It brings back memories of my college days. Me and Luke used to eat them a lot sadly these days I'm accustomed to eating at five star restaurants." I grabbed on the box and ate the piece of chicken. It was tasty indeed, the spicy and tangy flavour was blanched well . My eyes went to the box of pizza, which was already empty.

" Chillax. I kept two slices of pizza in freeze you can microwave it later." Stella told me giving me a wink.

" Thanks for saving some I appreciate." I continued to eat and those two ladies chatted ignoring my existence.

Well it doesn't matter since I am enjoying my meal and I have prepared myself for worse.

~ to be continued