The Breakup

As we continued our conversation it turned into a really nasty argument. I tried to stay calm but my ego and self esteem began to shake. Not only she was putting all the blames on me but also she was looking down upon me. It was too much for my pride.

" Tell me when did I ever disappointed you? You're making a really big deal out of it Regina. I really wanted to meet you last week but Luke's dad was sent to hospital. I had to go there often to check on them before he was discharged from hospital." I tried to explain it one last time but my words didn't went past her ears probably.

" Don't give me your stupid excuses. I'm done with this, I think now I know why you can't stay in a relationship for long. You are the reason why everyone leaves you. All you care about is for yourself! You and your damn ego!"

" That's not true-" Regina stopped me from completing my speech.

" Do you remember when's my birthday ?" Her eyes were fixed on me. They looked at me with sorrow and sympathy. Sadly I can't remember the date. I'm not a person to lie about stuffs so decided to give her the right answer.

" I- I can't remember at the moment. But I have celebrated your birthday last two years."

" Yeah you did. Do you know what flower I like? Of course you don't that's why you brought red roses. I always liked white lily and even though we are seeing each other for two years you still don't know anything about me."

I cannot look down the fact that she's right. All this time we never really got connected with each other. We we're just together in the name of so called 'relationship'.

" Regina I'm sorr-"

" Theo please! I don't think we ever loved each other. Just because we have common interests and we kinda a have same point of view in life, it's not enough to make a relationship.

Before this I only thought about settling my business and life so I didn't gave much thoughts about this relationship but now I can't continue this. If we don't go on separate ways I will be stuck with you. I think we should break up now. It's good for both of us." Regina was calm and sad at the same time. I didn't had any idea what to say or do. I came here to apologise to her, to fix our relationship but now that she's asking me to leave her. It's just too much to shallow at once. After all I am a human. I may not show many emotions but in my heart I do feel them. I like to keep them to myself only rather than showing it to people.

" I never thought you were not happy with me. But I guess it's nothing new, I did have some hope with you since we lasted so long. But at the end of the day I failed, again. I can understand why, so I won't ask you much. This is where we say goodbye." I let out a deep sigh with a heavy heart.

" Theo you're a good guy, one day you'll find some one to love and who will also love you back." Its funny how she's trying to cheer me up after breaking my heart. The irony of this situation is quiet pitiful.

" You think so? If you ask me I think I'm better off myself." I replied sarcastically.

" No. Don't be negative. You should rather stop jumping into relationship and find the one who makes your heart skip a beat, who is always in your thoughts, who cheers you up and makes your problems go away." Some one who makes my heart beat faster? Who could that be. I guess girls do think mostly about romance and dreamy things and all. I don't have time for this. Right now I just feel like being alone.

Regina left without finishing the dinner. I didn't tried to stop her. She wants to cut ties with me. Fine then! Like it never happened to me before. As long I have my work I will be fine. I don't need someone in my life. I was little hurt since I never excepted her to break up with me. But now it's done and I'm sure I really don't have any future with romance and all.

I drove back to the empty roads. Since Regina left I couldn't eat dinner either. I opened the window of my side and lit up a cigarette. I was frustrated and annoyed at the same time. I wanted to go to a bar and have some drinks but I decided to return home. While I was taking puff from the bud of the cigarette I drove the car and soon reached my home.

Parking my car on the side I went to the door and knocked on it. Lucy opened it for me

" Welcome come sir. Miss said you'll be staying outside today." Lucy asked me looking blankly at me.

" Yeah... Actually something came up so I had to return home." I tried to give her a fake excuse.

" Oh, then I'll be going back home since it's not that late."

" Sure you can go. I'll tell the driver to drop you off." I called the driver and ordered him to sent Lucy home safely. It wasn't that late since Regina went home and our date ended midway.

I noticed that Stella was not in the hallway or kitchen or dining table. If she was here at downstairs she would have greeted me. I did told her that I won't be coming home today. Maybe that's why She already had her dinner and probably went to sleep. Well I won't blame her since she gets tried after coming back from work.

I walked straight to my room. Stella might be in her room. I thought about letting her know that I'm came back and I have sent Lucy home also. But my mood was off. I just wanted to stay alone for a moment. I twisted the doorknob and went inside.

To my surprise someone was there. As I entered the room I saw a slim figure which was warped in towel. The person began to scream loudly after seeing my face. I was so surprised and shaken off by the loud pitchy screen I turned my head facing the door. I couldn't even see the person's face or who it was.

" Theo?" I heard Stella's voice calling out my name. I turned my head to her side and the person was none other that Stella. But the question was why she is here, in my room wearing a towel around her body?

" What are you doing here?" I asked her in a awkward voice. My gaze went upon her and I studied her features. Her long black hair was wet, water was dripping off from her body. Thankfully the towel was big enough to cover her from chest to knee.

" I'm really sorry for coming into your room without your permission."

" You don't need my permission to get inside my room. I mean to say why are you here?"

" Actually when I came back home I went to take shower but there was a giant cockroach inside my bathroom. I tried to draw it out although I was so scared to even get closer to it. It even started to fly and I panicked. I locked the bathroom door and came to your room with the towel. I thought you aren't coming home so I used your bathroom to take a shower." She said all those thing so fast that it was almost like a rap. Only the music was missing.

" Fine, fine, take a deep breath okay. Go to your room and get dressed or else you'll catch cold like this."

At that moment I forgot that I was upset.

~ to be continued