Keeping Company

I was startled by the sudden intrusion of Stella. My mind was filled with so many things and emotions. I went to her room and waited for her to call me inside. After few minutes she opened the door wearing a baggy t-shirt and pajamas. She walked me through her room and stopped at the bathroom entrance.

" There's the thing! Please get it out from my bathroom." She was literally begging me and I can feel how desperate she was.

Girls and their hate for cockroaches, a never ending story.

I went inside and locked the bathroom door since I don't want it to flew away from here and enter her room. That would be even more frightening.

As my eyes went to the cockroach I grabbed the spray bottle and aimed at it. Without any damage I was able to kill that thing. My job was not done yet.

The dead cockroach laid on the floor and I had to move it. Well I'm not gonna hold it with my hands so I opened the door, poking my head " Do you have something to pick it up?" I asked Stella.

" It's dead?" She asked me with a tensed face.

" Yup." She quickly looked around her room and found some chopsticks laying on her table. She grabbed them and stretched out her hand " Here, will this work?"

I grabbed those pair of chopsticks with a rather confusing look " Uh let's see"

Although I'm not a pro using chopsticks I went there and picked it up like I would pick a piece of roasted pork. I tried to balance it and carefully carried it to the toilet. Finally I flushed it down and threw those chopsticks on the dustbin.

Woah! That was a tiring job.

When I got out from the door, Stella looked at me as if I was her knight in shining armour.

" Thank you, Thank you, Thank you sooooooo much!" Her face looked so happy and relieved that time.

" It's fine. I'll be going then." I came back to my room. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I started to unbuttoning the suit. I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the shower. As the cold water hit my naked body my cells became calm.

I looked around my bathroom and an abrupt thought flashed on my head. Few minutes ago, Stella was here, taking a bath. I was seeing a blurry vision of Stella's naked body, pale and beautiful, socked with water. It was hazy but still good enough to admire her beauty.

I shook my head and came to recognise that it was all my foul imagination. I got out from there quickly compared to other days. I wiped my wet body and put on my clothes

After few minutes there was a knock on my door. " Come in." I said while I was blow drying my hair. The door flew open and Stella came inside

"Did I disturbed you ?"

" No I just got out from shower" She came and sat beside me on the edge of bed. There was still a gap between us.

" So, what happened? I thought you were gonna stay outside." What she meant that I was supposed to be with Regina at this moment. I looked at her eyes, they seemed worried.

" Actually Regina had to go back to her office, something came along." I lied to her. I didn't wanted to tell her what happened after all she gave me those advices.

I did followed them but you can't fix a broken mirror. If it's broken it's gone forever. I was upset but I don't want her to feel sorry for me. I changed my expression to look less gloomy.

" Oh! that sucks, I'm going downstairs for dinner you wanna eat?" She asked me and probably she was hoping for a positive reply. I wasn't feeling hungry but in the mean time I really don't want to turn down her kind offer.

" Okay let's go."

We went to the dining room and just like our usual days we were having dinner together, even after this hectic day. Stella went into the kitchen after placing the food on the table. It was for me only I didn't saw her plate.

" Where's your?"

" I asked Lucy to only cook for me since I thought you'll be eating outside. You go ahead I'll make something for me."

" Now that's unfair. You should eat first I'm not even that hungry." I persisted her to eat but she denied.

" It won't take long beside there's lots of thing in the kitchen I can make something quickly. How about you wait for me?" This sounds more reasonable so I decided to go with it.

" Fine I'll wait."

I should have remember that Lucy only prepared food for her. If I knew that before hand I would have turn down her offer. I only agreed to her because I don't wanna make her upset. She was so thoughtful and naive that she gave her food to me. I can tell she was also hungry. Again I'm guilty of my deeds It's like snatching a lollipop from a kid.

Thankfully I didn't had to wait long and repent on my sin. Stella came holding a plate. When she put down the plate, I noticed it was pasta in red sauce. How did she made it so fast? She was there for few minutes only!

" Woah! It looks even better than mine." I complimented her with a chuckle.

" Naah! Don't be silly. It's just pasta with tomato sauce nothing much. You can try if you want."

" With pleasure." I took a spoonful and put it inside my mouth. It was delicious that my lost appetite came back. Good thing that Stella cooked a little extra. We continued to eat our dinner.

" You wanna play video games or watch something with me?"

" Are you trying to comfort me since I got ditched on my date?" I raised my eyebrows and playfully smirked at her.

" Kinda yes, kinda no, you can refuse really. No pressure, I'm just offering you." It wasn't that late so I thought maybe I can play some video games, it won't take much longer.

We went to her room since I don't have any video games. I had it in my college days but after that one got broke I never bought one. We sat down beside on the bed and the game started.

The first round was hard for me since I'm playing after a long time. Stella won that round. On the second round it was a little easier to carry on and I won that match. On the third round both of us became super competitive. I was so focused on winning and so was Stella. As I was keeping my eyes on the screen my gaze went down to Stella. I looked at her face which was so motivated and determined on winning.

Now how can I overlook that?

I was indeed close to winning but at the end I let it go making it look like I lost my focus. On this account Stella won the match. She raised her hand up higher with glee.

" Yay!" a big smile appeared on her face. I was glad I didn't win, because if I did that, I wouldn't be able to see this face. So technically I won even though I lost. Stella was laughing and she was so happy. The room was filled with her laughter.

" Too bad! I didn't knew you suck at game." She mocked and then started to laugh again. I was not feeling offended at all. I was simply enjoy this view.

My heart felt so calm and relaxed seeing it. All my worries, all my problems seemed to be lost some where.

It was late so both of us went to sleep. I came back to my room and laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

~ to be continued