Meet Ray

I have known the fact that Stella can easily blend with people. Her free sprit and down to earth nature makes people drawn to her. All the boys standing here were only her friends. As far I have seen the whole conversation it doesn't seem to me that any of them have any romantic thoughts about Stella.

" Where's Ray?" Stella asked Vincent with a worrisome expression.

" He was supposed to be here now but when I called him few minutes ago his phone was switched off."

" Switched off? Then I should probably go out and look for him. He should be here by now."

Neil told his sister and started walk out from there.

" Wait Neil I'll go with you." Simon tagged alone with Neil and both of them went outside looking for the guy named Ray.

" Hey... Umm... it's not like I- I'm asking you to short out things but can you talk with Nora. Please." Albert was hesitating but he seemed like he was literally begging for help without showing any sign of pleading.

" Oh? Talk to her? Didn't you said that you two were doing fine?" Albert kept his head bowed down with shame and condolences. He was regretting that he didn't asked Stella in the first place.

" Fine. I'm sorry. Can you please talk with Nora?"

" Sure, sure. In return I want a treat." A smirk appeared in her face when she unlocked her phone and called the number.

" Okay done."

" Vincent you stay with Theo. Me and Albert will go and clear this situation."

" Yeah sure."

Stella left with Albert but they didn't went far. They stayed in a corner where the crowd was barely unnoticeable. We could see them from where me and Vincent were standing.

Meanwhile Vincent took the first approach for starting off the conversation.

" So, how are you both doing in your married life ?"

" Good. Pretty much stable. I didn't knew Stella before our wedding so, I guess it will take time for us to fully know each other."

What I said wasn't totally wrong at all. We were in a stable relationship even though the agreement existed.

Now that I am in love with her, I need to nullify the contract as soon as possible. But without the consent of Stella I can't just tear off that paper because she's the other party. She has yet to give me her permission and let me know about her thoughts on this marriage.

" You know I wasn't sure if she was going to be happy after marrying you. All this year she didn't went to any relationship or bothered dating anyone. She always avoided romantic relationships in fact she started telling people about she being lesbian to stop receiving proposals from other guys."

" Wait a second! What you mean by that?" I was kinda confused hearing the last part of the story. I was little happy to know she didn't had any relationship or boyfriend according to Vincent.

" Well I guess Stella hasn't yet told you about that. Back in the time when we were in high school, everyone liked Stella because she was an easygoing person. But when she started to use makeup and dress up like other teenagers, she kinda gained attention of boys. Which was the reason she used to get proposals. But once a guy asked her on a date and he was the guy Stella's friend liked. So, even though Stella had nothing to do with it her friend started to hate her and gossiped about her, spread shitty rumours.

After that she stopped dressing up and told everyone she was interested in girls. That's how she spent rest of her high school days."

I was sad after hearing this. I didn't knew that she had to go through with bullies. I may not suffer from it but I know how much it sucks when people starts to gossip about you.

" That's a lot. I had no idea about it."

" Well don't worry about it, she's straight. I always looked her as my little sister. She helped me a lot with my wife. If it's wasn't for her I don't think I would be married to the girl I love. My wife and Stella were best friends. Since I was two year senior to them I couldn't spend much time with them in high school. Even after my graduation Stella helped me to continue my relationship with Stacy."

" She was the match maker and the right hand man." I added it along with Vincent's speech.

" Exactly. In fact me and Albert were so thankful for her. She can literally solve any issue."

Albert and Stella came back after their call ended. Albert looks a bit relieved from his stress.

" So, how did it go guys?" Vincent asked while hiding the fact that he already knew what is going to be their answer.

" Yeah. Well Nora said she'll be living with me." As much as we can see how clearly Albert is smiling and blushing when he was saying all this.

" All thanks to me. I'll be expecting my sushi in a week." Stella replied with a sinister grin on her face, raising her eyebrows.

" Most definitely."

" Ray hasn't come yet?" Stella asked again with concern. This Ray Guy seems important to her some how. I'm excited to meet this guy.

" Relax. He'll be here soon."

I was standing beside Stella, when all of us were chatting. In the mean time someone tapped on her back and she turned her opposite to see who was it.

A guy around the same age as me, with silver grey hair stood in front of us. His height was same as me. By his look it seems that he likes to dress up quite well. From his head to toe he matched up his look with the clothes and accessories. He even had piercings in his ear. A very model like appearance. I don't know why but I think that I have seen this guy before.

" Ray!" Stella hugged the guy who now seems to be Ray. He was the person we were waiting for. Neil and Simon were also standing beside him.

" Sorry about your wedding. I really wanted to stay there but I had to go France on that day. Did you liked the outfit I gifted you?"

" Of course I wore it in a club. It looked bomb on me."

" Damn right it would. After all I designed it for you with my own hand. Behold my mighty hand you peasants!"

Holy. Mother. Of. God.

Now I remember where I have seen this guy! He's the famous designer Ray Wilson! I have went to his fashion show in France with Regina. Of course that day Stella looked so good. Because it was custom made for her. I knew that it looked designer made after all I have some knowledge in this field too.

" God I'm starving!" Simon started to nagging at us with a annoyed expression.

" For the fucks sake it's only been few hours since we came here stop being a bitch Simon!" Vincent yelled at Simon in front of everyone. Stella started to laugh and all of us also. Vincent had British ascent which made it sound more hilarious.

" Okay! okay! Don't worry I'll you take to where the food is. Anyone else wanna come?"

" I'm not that hungry but it would be better if I can go back home soon. Stacy will be waiting for me." Vincent told Stella with a apologetic expression. He was enjoying the conversation so he wanted to stay here for some more.

" Fine then I'll go too." Albert joined them and Stella took those three boys with them. Neil also went since he needed to make sure they don't come across with his father.

It was only me and Ray here. To be honest this guy doesn't give me a good feeling. Something is so evil about him that makes me suspicious of him.

~ to be continued