Love Rivals

It's kinda awkward for me to start a conversation with someone unknown. Besides that this Ray guy seems to be very intimidating. I am just standing here looking like a fool.

" So, when are you guys getting divorced?" The question made me shake my head in wonder. I was taken a back by his way of starting the conversation. Still I pretend to take it as a joke.

" What do you mean by that?" I chuckled lightly and hoped that he was only joking with me.

" It's okay. You don't have to act so cautious around me. " Ray had a sinister look on his face. I can feel something is off, the way he's talking with me makes me grind my teeth together.

" If it's not much of a bother, can you please explain me properly what you are trying say?"

" It's obvious that Stella married you because of her family and so did you. I have heard that you had a girlfriend. Although I am not sure if you guys are still together or not. Besides that you had many other relationships which ended at some point. A guy like you—— can't possibly be satisfied after marrying someone who was chosen by your parents. " Ray spoke to me as if he was spitting poison like a snake. They all cut me though like an arrow. At this point I needed to gather up my thoughts and act calmly.

Only two people knew about our marriage agreement—— Neil and Regina. The bartender guy also knew about it but I don't think he will spill out anything. There might be also chances of Stella telling Ray about it but I still can not disclose everything to him.

" Even if those things are true it doesn't mean that me and Stella are not happy with our marriage. After all you are just an outsider and if we do have any problems in future we will short it out together because I love my wife very much."

I know that I haven't confessed my feelings to her but it doesn't mean I'm going to listen to this crap.

" Ah, I see. But does she loves you?" Ray asked while smirking evilly.

I know I can lie to him since she knows that we are pretending to be married but this guy is a barrier which I need to cross so, I can not lie. I stayed quite for my reply, I had nothing to say.

" There. I knew it. After all I have been in love with her too but it's my bad that I never told her about my feelings. I should have ignored the rumours but now that I know she's not interested in girls I can finally confess to her. And just so you know we are best friends. So, there's more chances of her picking me and not you." This time Ray growled at me. He wants to have bad blood with me.

Fine then, I don't mind at all because I too love Stella and I'm not backing down for some prick. You're the one who thought she was a lesbian, not me bro.

" If you really feel that way then good luck. But let me tell you one thing, I have no intention of divorcing her now or in the future.

You better watch out for yourself." I kept my voice quiet and spat out in anger. There's so many people around so I didn't wanted to make a scene.

" Ha! Ha! We will see about that. I have already had someone investigating you to find out some dirt. You just wait. Once I get any single clue I'm going to tear you guys part."

" Don't know about the 'single clue' but you should see some nice girls to end your lonely single life. After all being a home wrecker will get you no where." I replied him back sarcastically and chuckled. He was about to loose his shit hearing this.

At the moment Stella came back to us. Ray's expressions were less rigid since she is here but I can tell how much he's boiling inside his head.

" I'll have to go back now." Ray told Stella with an apologetic look. He pressed his lips together and flattened his eyebrows to look like a puppy.

That's right— you're indeed a dog.

" Wait? Why now! You haven't ate anything!" Stella had been busy with everything so, she didn't had time to chat with Ray which I'm grateful for. In fact I don't want Ray around her. Not even in a one foot distance.

" I got an argent call just now. I promise you I'll make it up to you later but I really need to go." Yeah, yeah go away. Go ten million light years away from my wife you dog.

" Fine. What can I even say. I guess I'm happy that you showed up." With a gloomy mood she replied him.

" Hey don't make that face. I'll be staying here for now. So, I'll call you up sometimes and grab something to eat what say?"

" Perfect. But let me know before hand because I have to go to work also."

" What? You are working? Doesn't your husband give you enough money to spend? Does your dad know?" I wanted to punch this guy so fucking bad. How dare he! He's getting on my nerves. My monthly income is ten times more than yours.

" Ray seriously? You know I always wanted to get a job and earn by myself. At least you shouldn't ask me these stuffs." Damn right! You tell him Stella! I can ruin his carrier if I want.

" Of course I knew. I just never thought you'll actually get a job when your husband is so rich. And you haven't told me about this. I'm so hurt. I think you don't consider me as your friend."

" It's not been that long since I got the job. I would have eventually told you. Anyway just text me or gimme a call before you make any plans."

" Sure. Good bye." With that Ray left. That sly fox, he intentionally left so that he can make an excuse to meet her up. Why the hell he won't stay far away from Stella? Jeez!

I was already worried about confessing to Stella about my feelings and now there's this Ray guy—— trying to break our marriage.


" What did you guys talked?" Stella moved her head and stared into my eyes as she spoke.

" Nothing much. By the way does Ray knows about our marriage contract?"

" No. I only told my brother. What happened?"

" He asked me about Regina. He knew we dated but I just went with the conversation. I didn't told him anything. Even I felt that he didn't knew."

" Oh. I didn't thought that he would find out information about you. He never like the idea of me marrying you in the first place and so did the others. I guess he was only worried."

" Yeah I hope that too. He seems more worried than Vincent, Simon and Albert."

" I think he feels guilty. He kinda stopped talking after he went to France for his fashion carrier. He would text in a while to know how's everything going. I never really asked him for the reason. Maybe he was busy with his life."

I may have guessed that reason without any doubt. He was in love with Stella that's why he tried to ignore her for focusing on something else.

~ to be continued