The Cheater

It was lunch time. Stella had cooked delicious barbecue chicken and pork ribs along with some other stuffs. Three of us ate together and chatted while having our lunch. None of us mentioned anything regarding to my relationship with Stella. It would be very bothersome to talk about it further.

We spent the whole day watching movies. Neil had set his mind and he will be staying at my home for some days. I had no issues with it because I had sorted out everything with him. Besides it won't be such a bad thing for him to spend some days here. I'll have another person to interact.

As the dinner was over, three of us got up from the chairs. Neil was walking ahead of us so, Stella came a little closer to mine and whispered,

" I'm sorry we couldn't go on a dinner."

" It's fine." I gave a smile and replied.

We stood in front of the stairs as were going to our rooms.

" Okay then. Good night." Stella left from there towards her room. Meanwhile I told Neil to stay in the room beside mine. So, I was escorting him there. Lucy has already tidied up the room for him.

" She's not sleeping in your room?" Neil asked me lifting his eye brow.

" I guess so. Since we won't be doing anything tonight." Even I didn't knew that Stella was going to sleep in her room. It's not that I was excepting to have sex with her. I'm upset because I would have liked if she did slept in my room.

Once again, it remained me that I'm just a fuck buddy for her.

When Neil was going to open the door of his room I stopped him and asked,

" Umm. If you won't mind, can I ask you a thing?"

" Sure." We went to the room and I sat on the couch. It was the perfect opportunity for me to learn more about Stella's past. Neil is very close to Stella so, I'm certain that he will have useful information.

" Do you know why your sister always rejects guys? I'm not sure but I feel like there's a hidden reason behind it. I did asked your sister to share it with me but she refused. She kinda changed the subject." Neil's facial expression changed as those words left my mouth.

" Why you wanna know?" Neil looked serious. His body has become stiff.

" Didn't I tell you that I love your sister. I know, I shouldn't ask it from you when she had already turned me down. I wanted to wait and hear it from her mouth. But if I don't know the reason, I can't overcome the barriers."

" Fine I'll tell you. Besides you're already a member of our family. So, you deserve to know. It all started with my dad." Neil let out a sigh and continued.

" Mr. Carlton? How come he's related to this?" I wasn't excepting him but anyway I'm glad that Neil decided to tell me the story.

" It was around the time when my sister started high school. She was probably sixteen that time. One day she found out dad was cheating on mom and he had affair with someone else." Without a hint of hesitation, Neil spoke of his father's misdeed.

" That must be hard for her." It usually becomes a serious thing when the kids find out about their parents affairs. They tend to get affected by it, especially the teenagers. They even went through mental trauma and much more.

"She became really depressed since she didn't had anyone to share it. I was the first person whom she told. After that sis told dad everything but nothing happened. Their relationship became very distant. Dad probably stopped having affairs since that day although I don't know that for sure."

Neil was gritting his teeth when ever he spoke of Mr. Carlton. The hatred was clearly visible in his eyes. I never knew their relationship was like this.

" Does your mom knows about this?"

" We never told this to mom but she probably realised it later. I mean she's been living with my dad for a long time so, she might have learned it some how. My sis felt that it was best not to tell mom, because if mom divorced my dad, she would have no where else to go. My grand parents were dead also. I was only twelfth that time but I decided to study hard and get a job. I feared that if one day dad decides to leave mom, I can look after her and my sister."

" I had no idea Stella went through all this. It must have been so hard. Why didn't she shared it with her friends?" She had so many good friends. She even had Ray then why did she kept it inside her heart? Why she decided to suffer herself.

" They wouldn't have helped either. At the end of the day they can only give you advice. My sis told me that it's better to hide your family problems from other. If you show weakness, people tend to use it for their benefit. Even I couldn't do anything for my sister. I felt so helpless." I remembered the day when Stella took my side and helped me to protect my image from Ray. That day, she felt that I was her family and it's her job to keep my reputation intact from outside world no matter how torn up it is.

As much she behaves like a child, in serious situations, she becomes so mature and deals with it like a worrier.

" No, you're wrong Neil. You were supporting Stella and you were the person to listen her problems. If you were not there, she might have done something to herself." I felt that I should comfort him. He had also went through the same thing. It made a great impact on him.

" Come on! You don't even know the whole thing. That time I was so angry with dad. I just wanted to punch him, scream at him and ask him why he cheated on mom. But sis calmed me down." Neil's anger got calmed and he chuckled

"You know what she said? Even after that, She felt like we should be grateful that dad is providing us a good life. This whole incident made her feel so insecure that she never thought of loving a person." Finally I can understand her actions. Stella's rejections were just an excuse to not getting involved in a romantic relationship.

She felt that if she loved someone, they will leave her some day. She thought that her future will be like her mother. I got so furious knowing the real story or Mr. Carlton. Never thought that he will be this type of a person.

" Thanks Neil. I finally understand it all. Don't worry I promise you, I'll never hurt your sister. She won't go though this type of situation."

After that I returned to my room and laid on bed. I was one step closer to get closer to her heart. I shall accomplish my goal and I won't take any easy road. I will wait patiently for her. One day, she will love me.

~ to be continued

A/N - What do you think about Stella's father?

Is he a good person or bad? Let me know in the comments ;)

P.S. - there will be a chapter where I highlight this issue so, wait till then.

Oh and happy Halloween guys!