Bro’s Mad

I opened my eyes and it didn't took me a second to realise that it was Monday. Time to go back to work once again. As usual I got up and went to bathroom. After getting dressed I went downstairs. When I reached at the dining table, Neil was not present there. I thought he would be there for breakfast. Stella walked out from the kitchen holding the jug of juice.

" Good morning. How was your sleep?" She have a me bright smile and kept the jug on the table.

" Good. Where's Neil?"

" Sleeping. I'm still calling on his phone but it seems like he had put it on silent." I frowned my eye brow hearing her comment.

Why would she keep on calling him when she can just go to his room and wake him up?

" Uhh... should I go and wake him up?"

" Nah. He will be— oh! there he is. Why weren't you waking up? I had been calling on your phone." Stella yells at Neil as he was walking towards us. He was still in his pajamas.

" Thanks for ruining my sleep. Man! Is that how you should treat your little brother?" Neil yawns as he sat down on the chair beside mine.

" For your kind information I have to go on work. So, eat your breakfast then free me from this burden." Stella slams her both palm like the way some one prays. She bowed her head sarcastically and nagged him.

" Yeah whatever."

" What you'll be doing here then? I'm going on office. Your sister will also be at work." I spoke up wondering how will he spend his time here.

" He has college and I am not gonna stay at home to entertain him."

" Thanks for your offer clown. But I'm fine. I'll just stay at your place and chill." When Neil started to mock her, I knew it won't end well.

" What you mean by that? Are you skipping your classes?" Stella hissed, glaring at him.

" I'm not a kid. I can decide for myself so, stop nagging me." Neil mocks her again.

" You should stop being an asshole first." Woah! This is the first time I'm hearing Stella curse.

" Hey! Hey! Calm down already. Let's eat breakfast peacefully." Never thought they would start a fight like kids. We sat down and began to eat.

This continued till four days. Neil stayed at our home and he was mostly giving me company. We had talked about issues and topics regarding our business field. I was pretty much impressed with his knowledge. He was still a student but he had already learned most of the ethics of a good business man.

Meanwhile Neil and Stella kept on having little fights but it would end soon as I stop them from proceeding further. She got cranky a little. Stella slept in her room. We didn't had any physical contact in those days. I was missing holding her in my arms. Her soft warm touch was so captivating.

It was Friday. I came back from the office. As I stood in front of the door, Stella opened it for me. She grabbed onto my arm then dragged me to her room. I was puzzled by her sudden action.

" What's wrong?"

" Why aren't you telling my brother to leave?"

" Why? Don't you like him staying here?" I was confused by her question.

" Are you kidding me? He's being a third wheel since he came here. And to clarify your statement, I do love my brother but this is just too much. It's been so long since we slept together." Like a little child, she complained about her brother to me. I was trying so hard to hide my smile.

" Oh. I see. I understand that part but don't you think it will be rude if I just tell him to go back to his own house?"

" Rude? He's the one who's being rude here. Even my parents never came to visit me since I got married. He just wants to keep us apart." You may think it's funny but this is jealousy. Yes, I mean I'm happy that she was annoyed for not spending time with me. Good job Neil! You really did a splendid work!

I hugged her gently then moved my mouth to her ear. " Okay. I will talk to him. Now let's go and have dinner. I'm starving." She seemed calmed down after I said those words.

I got up early in the morning and went to freshen up. As I walked towards the dining table, I heard sounds of someone's yelling.

" What do you mean by staying here for some time? Hasn't it been a week now since you got here?" It was Stella's voice and she sounded very angry.

" Why are you making big deal of it?" The next voice was Neil's and it seems that they were arguing.

" Because it's bothering me."

" Oh my god sis! Stop being a bitch."

" Yeah. If it wasn't for me, you would have never born." Huh? What does that mean?

" Like you gave birth to me! Just because you asked mom for a brother that doesn't mean I came to this world." Oh now I get it. Why do they turn into kids when ever they are fighting. This is so childish.

" Please! I can't have any blood ties with a guy like you. They probably have found you in a street." Seriously Stella? What are you? A five year old?

" Yeah! at least I was found on street. They found you in a sewer!"

" Shut up you asshole!" Stella cursed at Neil and I knew I had stop them now or else I'll be late for office.

"Guys-" I tried to enter into their conversation but my voice died in their screaming.

" You shut up!" Neil shouts at Stella.

" Guys-" Once again I couldn't finish my sentence.

" Go fuck yourself!"

" You go fuck yourself!"

" No you!"

" You!"

" You!"

" Guys! Shut up!" I shouted at them and this time they stopped talking. Finally.

"You know what? Theo is way better than you." Wait what?

" Why don't you go suck his dick!"

" You go suck his dick!"

" Guy! Why are you fighting like barbarians? Calm down!" With a deep breath I shouted again to stop them.

" Man, it seems that I'm not welcomed here anymore. I guess I'll have to leave."

"Yeah. Good for you."

" Stella, why are you saying that? Is Neil bothering you?" Although I know the reason but I still asked her about it.

" Can't you see! He's being a cockblock! Ever since he came here, he's either with you or you're with him."

" That's because 'bros before hoes'"

" Fuck you!" I rolled my eyes at them and looked at Stella.

" I'd fuck my self huh!" Neil replied sarcastically.

" Bye bro. See you later. Don't take care of my sister." He started to walk toward the exit.

" I can take care of myself!"

" Hey aren't you gonna eat?" I asked him as the food was still untouched on the table.

" Huh! I don't wanna eat garbage for breakfast."

" You little!" Like a mad lady Stella grits her teeth at Neil.

" That was so unnecessary. And what's with those words? Jesus! You two speak like uncivilised people." Stella pouted at me and started to eat. Even though Neil was gone, she was still huffing with anger.

These two are just uncontainable.

~ to be continued

Make sure to check for updates every day because I'm willing to post chapters daily.