A Date

Neil went home that day after having a drastic argument with his sister, Stella. When he left, me and Stella went to our office. I came back from my office and I was hungry. Stella was already there at the dining table when I went downstairs to eat the dinner.

" Hey" She greeted me as I sat down on the chair.

" You made up with your brother?" She rolled her eyes hearing my words.

" Don't even ask." I laughed at her child like behaviour. She's still getting annoyed with Neil.

"Come on. Don't be mean." With a chuckle I told her.

" Wanna do it tonight?" She asked me blankly, changing the subject.

" Sure."

It had been a week since we had any physical contact. So, I was looking forward to it. We went to my room and connected our bodies together. I would roam my hand all over her silky smooth body. Her embrace is so warm just like the ray of sun in the morning. I swear to god, I have never felt like, I'm just driven by lust, there was more to it.

Every time I touch her, my body comes closer to her soul. It makes my heart flutter. I feel so happy when I'm with her. All these things we had done together, there were more than just a friendly affection.

We were laying on my bed, naked, breathing heavily. Small drops of sweats were dripping from our bodies. Even though the air conditioning system was on we were feeling hot.

" I'm sorry that I couldn't go on a date that day." Ohhhhh. She was considering it as a date all along. I'm glad to hear it from her mouth. So what if it got canceled! the main thing is she was willing to go on a date with me.

" You mean dinner?" I taunted her with my sarcasm. She gave me a look like ' Are you kidding me?' Raising her eyebrows upward.

" It was you who suggested that." She replied back with a annoyed sound.

" I know. Chill, I'm only joking with you." I held her hand which made her startled. " Going on a date isn't important. What matters is the time we spend together. And if we are talking about having a romantic night then we can still have it."

" Now?"

" Yes."

" Like right now? Here?"

" Yeah. Why not! We had dinner together then we had sex. What left is a bottle of wine and some music." Hearing my words Stella began to laugh. She was still not convinced with my idea. The naked me, got up from bed and grabbed the bottle of wine from the wooden rack. I usually keep bottle of wines in my room. When ever I feel like having a sip during my stay at home, I just pour some in the glass.

The red wine poured on the glasses, making them fill more than it's half portion. It was bit weird to walk without wearing any clothes but since I was super excited and filled with enthusiasm, nothing mattered to me. I handed her the glass, sitting on the bed. We were sipping on the wine and gazing at each other's eyes. Neither me, nor did she dropped those eyes for a once.

" Wine's done now let's play some music."Unlocking my phone, I picked my favourite song Riptide by Vance Joy. The phone got connected to the Bluetooth speakers and the music began to play.

" I also love this song." She stood up from the bed, exposing her naked figure. The song made her eyes filled with excitement.

(A/N- This song is also one of my favourites)

" I didn't knew that. Guess we have one thing common." I hold her hand, making her body lean closer to mine. We danced to that song. Even for a guy like me who can't dance at all, we did pretty well. Our bodies were moving in a harmony. Her head rested on my chest and our legs were moving with the song. It was so beautiful, beyond any kind of romantic date.

Two days later, John informed me that I had to leave for a business meeting. My relationship with Stella was going smoothly so I thought I should ask her to come with me. Although it was only for three days.

We sat down on dinner table to eat the dinner together.

" I'll have to go on a business trip. You wanna come?" I looked up to see her reaction to my question.

" How long?" With her mouth filled with food, she replied to me. These days, Stella would talk even though she has food in her mouth. She would gobble and chew and talk all along.

" Just three days."

" Nah. Besides I don't think I can take leave from my office. I'll go next time." Her voice was casual so it seems that she is not upset.

" Fine then. You should go to your parents home then."

" That's won't be necessary. I can stay here by myself." She was confident about it. Although I felt that it's not a good idea.

" You sure? Won't you feel lonely?" I asked her one last time.

" It's fine. I'll ask Lucy to stay here for those days."

" Well if you say so. Call me when ever you need." I had no reasons to turn down her suggestion after all she's an adult woman. Besides there are guards and others stuffs here who will be there to prevent any mishaps.

" Yup. Don't make me wait for long." She had a smirk on her face while saying it and I knew what she meant by that.

As it was decided, Stella was staying at my place and Lucy was giving her company. I'd told her to ask Neil to stay there for some days but she was still mad at him. I had to attend a meeting after my arrival. So, I couldn't call her or text her to inform that I have safely arrived.

When I got out from the meeting, I saw Stella's missed calls. I dailed her number and she picked it up that instant.

" Hey"

" How was your flight?" Her voice ranged into my ear from the other side of the phone.

" Good. I was attending the meeting so, I couldn't pick your call."

" It's fine. You ate your dinner?"

" I'm going to. What about you?"

" Yeah I already ate it."

" Everything's okay there?" I don't know why but I felt that she doesn't sound very jolly. Each of our sentences were short and simple. I wonder why. I never liked talking on phone.

" Mhmm." There was a long pause after that. We were both thinking about what to say next. It was kinda awkward. But at the end she broke the silence.

" So, good night then."

" Good night. I'll call you tomorrow."

" Okay." She hung up her phone and I went to have my dinner. I am already missing her so much. Next time I'll definitely bring her with me. It's better that those awkward phone calls.

~ to be continued