The Handcuffs

After spending our dinner like that we were passionately making love all night. Our bodies were tired after the dancing and the other stuffs we did later. We were still laying on our soft silky bed, cuddling and embracing each other's body.

" What should we do today?"

" Let's just walk around the city. We will be going home tomorrow." With yawn, Stella replied back. She still hasn't probably woken up.

" Okay. Do you have any shopping left?"

" No. I have brought all the souvenirs."

It was our last day in Paris. Basically we had visited most of the important locations in here. So, it's better to roam around the city for today. We were walking on the roads holding our hands together, chatting with joy. After walking randomly on the roads, Stella stopped suddenly.

" What's the matter ?"

" Can we go here?"

I moved my eyes to see the place where she was pointing at. It was an adult shop, a shop where they sell varieties of equipment for sexual fetish. The name and the detail list of the things they sell, it was enough for me to be dumbfounded. Why on earth she would wanna go to a store like this?

" You sure?"

" Come on! I always wanted to check this store out."

" Why do I get a ominous feeling about this?" She raised her eyes to give me a serious glare.

We entered there and I instantly regretted it. They even have whips and chains! what the hell? The shop keeper was another weirdo. He kept on gawking at us like hawk. Thank god that the shop was empty that time.

" I wanna take this." My attention was on the shop keeper which was why I got startled when she spoke.

" This?" It was a handcuff. A freaking handcuff! Are you seriously making me buy this? What's wrong with you Stella! My eyes stayed wide opened with shock.

We went to the shop keeper and paid it's price. I never experienced such awkward moment. Next day we returned home at the morning. I went back to office since I was absent all the week. Stella stayed at home, she will join office tomorrow. I retuned home around 9 pm. Because of the delayed works I had stay longer with John. The food was already prepared on the dining table and I was also hungry.

" You should eat first. You look hungry." Stella can tell at a glance that I was starving. I took my seat and we ate our dinner. When the dinner was done, I went to my room and entered into the bathroom to took a bath. As I got out from the bathroom, wearing the bath robe, my eyes met with an unexpected surprise.

" Woah! "

" Ta! Da! You liked it?" Stella was sitting on the bed, wearing a black seductive lingerie. Seeing her like this, my little guy became rock hard within a few seconds.

" Yeah! It's... good. Wait! Why's the handcuffs with you?" I was so busy gazing at her that I didn't notice the handcuffs laying down beside her.

" Let me demonstrate." She pulled me closer by holding onto my arm. Our bodies crashed on the soft bed. I was on top of her. Stella took the handcuffs and putting her hands in them, she locked it.

" Now you can do what ever you want." She whispered into my ear with a seductive tone. Where the hell she learned all this?!

" Surprisingly it actually turns me on."

" I know right?" Letting out a giggle we looked into each other's eyes for some time. Then I began to ravish her body.

The morning rays of sun made my eyes open. My body was sore but compared to mine, Stella probably has worse. I went to bathroom for getting fresh. When I got out Stella was already awake. We were both done wearing our work attire. The handcuffs were left on the bed which reminded me of last night.

" Oh honey!" Grabbing onto Stella's arm, I pulled her at me. " Let do a quickie."

" What-? No! ..... we have to go to work." I was clinging onto her like a baby.

" Please honey! Just a little one." She tried to get herself free from my hold. Where else I was nuzzling on her ear, trying to tame her.

" Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I'm not letting you go." Grabbing the handcuff quickly, I locked both of our hands. Now unless I free ourselves, none of us can't leave. Hahah!

" Theo! Give me the keys!"

" Nope!" She was struggling like a kid, trying to snatch the key from me. I was so lost into looking at her annoyed expression that I threw the key in front of me, thinking that it'll land on the floor. But sadly it went through the window. If we lived in a small house things would have been easy. Outside my window, there was a little garden which was filled with trees and plants. You can call it a little Forest. So, even if we go there and look for the keys, it will take a long time. Stella also knew it which was why she got panicked.

" Oh my god! What have you done!" That moment I knew I was screwed. Fuck! " What will we do now Theo?! How can we go office like this?"

" Calm down. I'll call for a locksmith."

" Locksmith? And how will you explain this situation?"

" What? Don't look at me like that! I guess it's pretty normal to have sex with handcuffs these days."

" My life's over. I'm gonna call my office and tell them that I can't come."

" Yeah that's good. But I have a different problem."

" What it is?"

" I have to attend a very important meeting at office. And it will start within two hour."

" What! Then we don't have any time to go to a locksmith!"

" Sadly yes. But we can do one thing. I'll tell John to send the locksmith at my office. Mean while we will go there and stay in my cabin until the handcuff is opened." She sunk down on the bed, while face palming.

" Fine. Let's go eat our breakfast." I can see that she was upset. Which was why I didn't wanted to make her more angry than she was. My driver had took us to my office but how will I enter there without showing them the handcuffs?

" Listen, you keep holding my hand until we reach the elevator. I'll try to cover our hands with my right side." Stella has her right hand locked and I had mine left hand. So, if I walk closer, squeezing her body, it can hide the handcuff, perhaps.

Thankfully when we walked into the office, the staffs were busy looking at Stella's face. It was the first time they're seeing her. They were surprisingly starring at us, wondering who might be the lady beside me. We tried to walk as fast as possible.

Finally we let out a sigh of relief when we had reached my cabin. I had already texted John to send a locksmith at my cabin and specifically mentioned that to open a handcuff. Well I didn't wanted to take any risk. Since I got no time to look for another locksmith if he fails. Now we have to wait for the locksmith.

~ to be continued