The Cockroach

As we entered into my cabin, I took the seat and sat down where my table was. Stella was standing beside me. With my hand, I patted on my thighs.

" What's that for?" She looked at me with confusion, wondering what was I saying.

" Sit on my lap." I replied blankly with a straight face.

" What the hell!" She rumbled at me like a thunder storm.

" I'm serious. Our hands are locked so, it will be better if you sit on my lap." Of course I wasn't joking with her. The closer we sit, the better it will be for our hands. My arm is already aching.

Stella's embarrassment was clearly visible on her face. She was blushing even after she sat down on my lap. When ever her eyes were roaming around, I was glancing her without her acknowledgment.

Kinda like a stalker.

" A-Am I heavy? M-Maybe I sh-should get down." Stella stammer nervously while trying to get up from my lap.

" Relax. You're not that heavy okay. I wonder where all those food goes after they get through your mouth." I replied back with a smirk.

Suddenly a knock came from the outside. It must be John. " Come in."

" Here's the locksmith. He's Robert." John brought a guy with him who's younger than us probably. But after they came inside, John and the guy named Robert began to stare at us shamelessly as if we were doing something wrong or weird. Stella was on my lap even though they had entered there. Oh! Maybe that's why they're looking at us.

We got up from the seat and they noticed that our hands were locked with the handcuffs.

" How did-"

" Just open it and get lost." I growled at the locksmith. John was silent the whole time. He kind of understood what had happened. Hearing my growl, Robert went silent instantly. He opened the lock very easily. It didn't took him much time. Finally we were free from that handcuff.

" I'll escort you outside." John smartly came forward and took that guy out from my cabin. As soon they left, Stella let out a sigh of relief. The shameful moment was over.

" I'm never doing something like this again." She swore to herself.

" Awww! Why not? I kinda enjoyed it." I received a hard punch on my shoulder from Stella. " Oww!" A painful moan escaped from my mouth.

" Stop making fun of me." Stella glared at me with an annoyed tone. I was enjoying it even though the punch did hurt me pretty bad. I guess it's a small price to pay, to see her mad. Although I wouldn't like to cross the line. I'd be at a tough situation if she gets very very angry with me.

Everything was going good in our life. The marriage which was only fake, now that has turned into a beautiful kinship of two people. Two unknown people are together in a bond which they never thought of in their life. But that's not it only.

Our marriage had helped us to meet new people as well. Stella was able to be friends with Regina. I was able to connect with Neil and Ray.

On the topic of Ray, he has totally changed. There was a time when he hated me, when he envied me, but now he has opened up to me. We hang out in our house often. Me and Stella recently went on a double date with Regina and Luke.

Surprisingly they are happy with each other. Luke has changed too. He seems serious about Regina which I'm happy about also. It was so nice that all of us were able to live a peaceful life with harmony.

It's going to be November soon. The weather will be chilly and cold. The leaves will turn brown. Then the Christmas will come. Time just passes so quickly. Personally I am not a big fan of winter. The cold weather never made me happy. But maybe this time, I will be enjoying it since I have someone to cuddle under my cover.

Few days had past after the handcuff incident. I was doing work in my cabin like the usual days. John entered there and stood in front of my table.

" What it is?"

" The Lion corporations have invited you to a party." I have gotten the invitation one week ago. Although it kinda got out from my mind.

" Yeah I remember that."

" Are you going alone ?"

" I'll bring Stella with me. Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to inform her."

I reached home on my usual time. Stella was already at the dining room, placing the food on the table. When our eyes met, she greeted me.

" Welcome back."

" I'll go change my clothes then come for dinner."

" Yeah sure."

I got downstairs changing into a comfortable attire. Taking my chair out, I sat down with Stella.

"I have to attend a party tomorrow. You're going with me."

" That's not a polite way to ask a lady." Stella pointed her fork at me as she spoke. Her eyebrows were raised upwards, as if she was serious. Huh? Do I have to beg now?

" Excuse me respected madam, may I have your company tomorrow for just a few hours?" I replied back with a cocky attitude.

" That's way too much. But yes of course since you asked so nicely."

" I'm kinda worried about all those guys who are gonna stare at you. Although you don't have to hold yourself back. Wear the prettiest dress you have."

" Yes sir!"

" I'm being considered."

" Yes sir!" She kept on eating her food without paying any attention to my questions.

" Don't you think I'm such a nice husband?"

" Yes sir." Ignorance? Again? Okay then, let me play my trump card.

" Let's have kids."

" Yes- wait I didn't mean that!" Now I have your attention. Great then, let's have some serious talk.

" Hah! Since you wanna have kids, I'm fine to lend you my body." Stella was looking so embarrassed hearing my words.

" Theo! Stop it! You tricked me!"

" Yeah but you said yes. So we better start working on it." I argued with her.

" Ugh!" She kicked on my foot and walked away from the table, while blushing like a red tomato.

" Stella! O honey! Wait for me!" She quickly walked into our room and locked it from inside. Uh no. That's bad, where am supposed to sleep.

" Hey I was only kidding with ya! Open the door please!" I began to bang my door.

" No!" I heard her angry voice behind the door.

" Please honey! I'm sorry! Forgive this child of yours! I don't wanna sleep outside the room." I begged for her mercy.

" Then go to my room or the other rooms!"

" But who's gonna protect you-"

" Very funny. I don't need any bodyguard."

" -From ghost."

" I don't believe in them."

" Cockroach." There was silence only after my reply. I thought of knocking on the door for last time but then she opened it.

" Get in." Wow! Thanks to the cockroach I was able to enter in my room again. Stella had a nervous look as if she was scared after hearing about cockroach.

~ to be continued

Ara Ara! You guys were thinking that the story was gonna end but the main villain is yet to come— oh wait.... did I just gave a spoiler? Ooopsie my bad. ;P