The Earrings

We went to buy the gifts for the newly weds. I always thought that women preferred clothes and jewellery as presents. It's the common knowledge for everyone I guess.

That's why we decided to visit the jewellery store. I was not in the mood to search for a gift. But Stella forced me to pick the gift for Luke since I'm his best friend.

Ugh! Kill me please!

Let's just go with the watches. He even likes to wear them. I'll buy the latest model. But then I remembered, Luke is a very fashionable guy and a dumbass. He usually buys the new models, then throws away the old ones after using them for few times.

Somewhere in my heart, I wanted to give him a present that he would use often. I wonder what's with the sudden change of my heart. I have never been so sceptical about buying gifts for people.

So the problem is he likes to buy luxurious things to spend his cash. It will be awkward if I buy the same watch he's using right now.

Guess I gotta cross that from the list.