Best Wishes

I prayed in my mind that the surprise gift won't backfire on me. Stella was looking at those earrings with such amusement. Those pretty eyes were gleaming like the starts.

" Of course I love them..... ... but how did you..... " Finally she spoke. Hearing her words made me feel relieved.

" Telepathy." I replied with a smirk. The answer did not satisfy her. She made a ' are you kidding me? ' face.

" Jeez! I was just there." I revealed the truth while rolling my eyes. There no point in acting all high and mighty.

" Oh! That's why you asked me that time if I got anything else."

" Bingo!" I took those earrings from her hand, " I'll put them on you." When I was done I took a glance at my wife. She looks so gorgeous. The earrings matches her perfectly.

Oh god! Is she really my wife?