Best Man

They frequently look at each other then their mouth takes a shape of smile. Their love and affection is visible on the surface. Anyone can tell by one glance.

It's so hard to believe that a playboy like Luke got married for love. It was something that not even his own father would imagine. Love can truly change people.

I don't know why but I feel so pleased to see them smiling.

I always thought that Luke was such a irresponsible guy who would never act like a proper man. He was a spoiled brat. He had no spark of decency.

But he was with me from the very beginning. My arrogance and rude behaviour never stopped him from befriending me.

" We were not thinking about having a proper ceremony but my dad got furious. Since I'm his only daughter, he wanted to throw a grand wedding for me. I had to agree." It's obvious that Regina's dad won't let it slide away. His only daughter got married without any lavish wedding.

How can that be?