
My name is Arthuro. I am 20 years old. I am a human noting more nothing less. I got to college, and I am studying to become an accountant. I do not have a girl, nor do I need one.

I started to walk home from college when suddenly I felt a sharp pain. This pain was so intense. I could not withstand it. The pain continues to grow, and it never stops still I was dead.

I am in a dark area now. It seems like I indeed have died. At the end of the darkness, there was a bright light. It seems like this bright light is pulling me closer and closer by the seconds.

My eyes were forced to close as the light grew closer and closer. The light was so intense that even with my eyes closed I could still kind of see that bright light.

The light finally came to a stop. From the look of things, I am laying on a hard ground. I do not know what is going on. I stay on the ground for an hour since I could not open my eyes. My eyes were still sensitive from that extremely bright light.

When I finally open my eyes, I could see a big forest. From what I can see this forest is huge.

"Where the fuck am I?" (Arthuro)

I say that to myself. It seems like I was teleported here by that extremely bright light. I start to walk around. I was moving so fast that I could not believe my eyes.

"I wonder why I can move this fast" (Arthuro)

I keep walking for five minutes. In front of me, I can see two small rabbits. I am thinking that I can eat them. I start to move extremely fast, and I grab one of the rabbits. I kill one of the rabbits in an instant.

I hear a voice.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have Obtained one rabbit pelt.

You have obtained one rabbit meat.

You have obtained 2 rabbits' bones.

"What in the world is happening? What is that voice?" (Arthuro)

I say to myself when the voice stops talking. I start to move, and I grab the other rabbit that was trying to escape. I kill the rabbit the same I did the other one by breaking its neck.

Again the voice came to live.

I hear a voice.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have Obtained one rabbit pelt.

You have obtained one rabbit meat.

You have obtained 2 rabbits' bones.

It seems like every time I kill something the weird voice will talk again.

This new world seems to be like one of those RPG games. I want to try something.

Show Status

Status Of God Of War

Name Arthuro Level 1

Race God Rank of god Unranked

HP 1000+200 Mana 800+200

Stamina 10000+200 Strength 3000+200

Speed 10000+200 Defense 1000+200

Luck 0+200 Wisdom 1000+200

Believer 0 Required to rank up 100000

Believer Require to level up 10

Title: New God Of War

Skill Point 1

Skills Passive Skill

Advance Mastery of Sword Arts Level 10 Give a small Attribute point to all skill

Appraisal Level 10 People with your blessing will receive 1/10 of your Attribute point bonus

Bare-hand art level 10 Attribute Point bonus + 200 to all stats

Believer Converted Level 1