Skill Explanation

After viewing the status, I was left with my mouth open not believing what the fuck I was seeing. It seems like am a god of war. I wonder what this means. I wonder if someone playing a trick on me. What the fuck is all of this am seeing on this screen I wonder

The voice starts to talk again.

HP- the amount of life someone poses.

Stamina- how long a person can go without needing to rest. This stat will help you greatly both mentally and physically.

Speed- how fast someone can move.

Wow, it seems like the voice explains to me what everything is I say to myself. This is really amazing, and it is really convenience. The voice continues to talk yet again.

Luck- will help you to trigger special event that otherwise might not have to happen. This is all due to chance.

Mana- will help you cast a magic spell. This will also help with any technique that requires mana.


One can use mana to strengthen their attacks. It can be used with some martial art not only magic

Wow, mana is so fucking amazing. I am really surprised that it can be used not only magic but martial art as well. I am liking this more and more.

The voice continues to talk again.

Defense- will help reduce the amount of HP one lose after each attack.

Wisdom- this determines how smart someone is. It will help level up much skill.

Strength- will determine how much damage can be deal to someone. this also depends on the weapons that are used to attack

God Rank- this is divided into 100 ranks. God will require a certain amount of believer to rank up. A person will also need to level up to level100. After both conditions are met one can rank up. Each rank up will need a specific amount of believer to advance. The first rank up requires 100,000 believers.

Wow, 100,000 believers just to rank up. That is too much. I do not even know how the fuck I can get this believer. On top of that, I need to level up to level 100. This too much.

The voice continues explaining again.

Level-with each level up someone can earn additional stats.

Title- one can gain many boosts by having different titles.

God of war title- a person with this title will have additional Attribute Point added to their stat. every time someone level up they will receive additional attribute point. These Attribute Points are known as AP.

Wow, that is pretty amazing that I will gain additional Attribute points. This, of course, is because of my title.

The voice continues to explain.

Skills-they can be learned with a skill point. One will receive 3 skill points every 5 level. After someone level up to level 25, the amount of skill point learn will double. This only applies to Gods and people with special talent. These skill points are also known as SP.


You have one skill point that is not used. Use this skill point wisely. You can also unlock technique or magic once you level up. This will require a certain level to get the extra skill point. You will require a certain amount of skill points to evolve skills.

Wow, this is amazing I already have one skill point. I wonder about what I should use it. I think I should use it on getting a magic skill. I start to think about fire magic. I put one skill point into fireball skill.

The voice spoke again.

Fireball level 1 have been learned.

Wow, that was extremely easy to gain a magic skill.

The voice continues to explain.

Advance Mastery of Sword Arts level 10- this skill is at max level it will not be able to level up. This skill can evolve. Requirements are not met. 100 skill points required to evolve this skill.

What the fuck!!!!!!!!! 100 skill points to evolve it. That is insane. I wonder why that is.

The voice explains probably it knew what I was thinking.

The reason why it requires so much skill point is that is almost at it full evolve capacity. Next time it evolves it will be the last time this skill can evolve.

Wooooooww, that is fucking extreme to think I have something like that.

The voice continues to explain the skill that I have.

Appraisal level 10- cannot evolve. This ability let you see what the other people status are. This only a few people pose in the world. Since the appraisal is level 10 nobody can appraisal you.

Wow. That is an extremely amazing skill to have. It also blocks people from appraising me. I am extremely happy to hear this.

The voice started to explain more about the skill I have.

Bare-hand art level 10- this skill let you fight with your hand. This skill will increase how effective your punches are. It will affect any attack use by your hand. This skill can be level up. It requires 10 skill points. The reason for this is because it is on its first stage.

Fireball level 1- allow you to attack people with fire. This skill can be really powerful when is level up.

Give a small Attribute point to all skill- this is a passive skill. The only reason you have it is because of being the god of war and the title.

It seems like it amazing to be a god. I am still shocked as to why I have become one. I can't still believe I am a god.

People with your blessing will receive 1/10 of your Attribute point bonus- This will only affect people that have your blessing.

Attribute Point Bonus + 200 to all stats- every time you level up you will receive 10 more attribute bonus. A special event can be trigger when you will learn up time 10 more attribute point. This means that you are lucky you can get an extra 90 points. This is extremely rare to happen.

Believer Converted level1- This skill will help you to convert people into your believer. This skill percentage of success is 5%. It can be used up to 20 times one person.

The voice stops talking finally after it explains everything to me.