First Believers

I start to walk after the voice explain everything to me. I see a group of rabbit in front of me. They all should die I say to myself. My speed was extremely fast. I grabbed one of the bunnies in each of my hand and broke their neck as it was nothing. The voice in my head started to talk again.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have Obtained two rabbit pelt.

You have obtained two rabbit meat.

You have obtained four rabbits' bones.

With extremely speed, I grab two more bunnies and broke there neck. After a few second the voice talked yet again explaining what I have received.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have Obtained two rabbit pelt.

You have obtained two rabbit meat.

You have obtained four rabbits' bones.

There were two more bunnies and I did the same thing I did to the four to them. Right when I was done with them the weird voice spoke again.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have deal 10 damage to the rabbit.

You have Obtained two rabbit pelt.

You have obtained two rabbit meat.

You have obtained four rabbits' bones.

I kept walking for a while. I heard a loud scream of a group of people. The scream was so loud that it can be heard many meters away. It seems like they were being attacked. I started to run toward the location the sound was coming from. In front of me, there was a group of 15 bandits. They seem to be attacking a group of four merchants.

Without saying a word, I approach the group of the bandit that was attacking the group of merchants. One that seems to be the leader of the group talk to me.

"Drop all your item, and give to us. If you do not do this, you will die a fool." (Leader)

I got closer to the leader, and I started to punch in his entire body nonstop with my extremely fast speed. After 30 seconds he receives roughly 40 punches from me. The leader of the bandit drop to the floor with his face all bloody from my punches. Three second later the voice told me what I have received.

You have deal 250 damage to the bandit leader.

Moral of the bandit group has decreased by 10 %

You have obtained a set of two daggers.

You have obtained 1 medium storage ring.

You have obtained 1 short sword.

I equipped the two daggers.

After I killed the leader, I made my way to the rest of the bandit, and I grab the daggers I just have obtained. With amazing speed, I start to stab two of the bandit that were together at the same time. A few seconds later this two bandit drop to the floor. They are not moving anymore. There is a small amount of blood coming out of their body where they have to receive many stabs.

You have deal 150 damage to a bandit.

You have deal 150 damage to a bandit.

You have obtained 10 copper coins.

You have obtained 15 copper coins.

You have obtained two small daggers.

I keep stabbing all the bandit that was left, and they all drop to the floor. There is a small pool of blood coming out of the poor bandit that have lost their lives.

You have deal 150 damage to all the remaining bandit.

You have obtained 200 copper coins.

You have obtained 12 small daggers.

I start to walk towards the group of merchants. As I approach them, they ask me.

"Who are you, my lord?" (Merchants)

I activate my passive skill of believer converted. After activating it, I say to them.

"I am Marcos, and I follow the god of war Arturo. You should thank him for bringing me to save you. You guys should become his believer if it was not for him I would not be here." (Arturo)

"We have never heard of this God of War." (Merchants)

They seem to be believing everything that I am saying. That what I was thinking, and I am lying to them hoping this will be a success.

"He is a new God of War. He has only been a God of War for 100 years. The reason as to why you guys do not know of him is because he did not want people to ask a thing from him. It took about 100 years for him to let the people that follow him the mountain to spread his name." (Arturo)

Luck event trigger you have gained a believer.

Luck event trigger you have gained a believer.

Luck event trigger you have gained a believer.

Luck event trigger you have gained a believer.

"We will become his believers. If it was not for him, we might have died here. We will spread the name of him. We will try to convert people into following him." (Merchants)

I am liking the sound of that I said to myself. I say to them.

"Pray to him if he thinks you are worthy he will grant you his blessing. This will prove that you guys are his true believer." (Arturo)

All four of them drop to their knees, and they bow their heads three times to the floor. They start to say.

"We pray to you almighty God of War to guide us and to protect us. We only ask this so we can spread your almighty name. We are grateful for your kindness towards us. We thanking for sending Marcos to protect us." (Merchants)

You have granted your blessing to the group of Merchants.

A small tattoo starts to form on their hand. After the small tattoo stop forming, there was a small dragon on their hands. It was a black tattoo with a goldish color around the edges. It is an amazing tattoo. That will be my symbol from now on.

The Merchants look at their hands with amusement. They look at the newer form tattoo for several minutes admiring the mark of their new god.

"Congratulations you all have received the blessing of the God of War. Arturo has told me to give you a task to prove to him your value. He says that you guys have a reward for having his blessing. The quest he says for you guys to do is to for every single one of you to convert 100 people to his beliefs. He also say that when this task is done you guys should have a meeting with all the believer and call to him. He also say at that time you guys will receive a reward that a few people have received." (Arturo)

The merchants look at Marcos for a second digesting the information that was passed down to them. That really surprises that the god of war has given them a task to prove how worthy they are. They believe that they do not deserve such an opportunity, but they will do anything that they can.

"We accept the quest. We will show that got of war that it was not a waste of time to save us. We will repay the kindness he shows to us. We do not need a reward, but if it is his will, we should get rewarded for his greatness." (Merchants)

I have a smile in my face seeing how devoted they are toward me. They do not know that I am this guy that start to believe on. I do not want people to know that I am the God of War. That will not be fun. I will pretend that I am a messenger from the god passing down his wish.

"Very well our time here has come to an end. I have to travel. I have to spread the name of our god. People need to know of his greatness. I have my own mission that I have to complete. I am sure that our path will cross again my friends. When that happens, I will be happy to meet with you guys. I do not know when our path will cross again." (Arturo)

After I was done talking to the group of merchants, I started to walk leaving the group of merchants behind.

(Merchants) Point of view

We are a group of merchants from a medium size village. This village produces a thing that is not sold anywhere else. This thing consists of Maraq. This is a small fruit that many people pay for it. The uses of it are many. For example, it can be eaten. Maraq can be used to make medium quality healing potions with the right ingredient.

Maraq is a round fruit with a soft and delicate texture to it. This what makes this fruit so unique. Many people have tried to grow it in many other villages. For some reason, it does not grow there. This one of the reason Ranaga Village is so amazing.

We are traveling toward the capital city which is 2 days away from our village. The route is safe and secure. Nothing really happens in this route toward the capital. That what we thought, but we were so wrong.

We are going at a decent pace. We decided that we should stop for the night. We start to eat dinner, and that is when a group of 15 bandits appear out nowhere. It seems like they were watching us for quite some time.

"What do you want from we exclaim in a loud voice? Please someone helps us" (Merchants)

We start to sweat thinking that it will be our doom. As the leader of the bandit got closer, a man appears out of nowhere. He got in front of us to protect us. The bandit just laughs at this man that seems to be a fool.

"Drop all your item, and give to us. If you do not do this, you will die a fool." (Leader)

The man just got closer to the man. What happened next left us with our mouth open. We could not believe what we were seeing.

The man starts to punch the leader of the bandit everywhere on its body. The speed he lands those punches were like fast as lighting. Less than a minute pass, and the leader of the bandit drop to the ground. The face of the leader of the bandit was beyond recognition. It looked like 1000 bee has stung the guy face.

The man starts to stab one of the bandits. He stabs the man several times. The speed which he strikes that bandit was faster than anything we have seen. In a few seconds, there was not a single of the bandit standing. There was so much blood leaking out of the body of the bandit. From what we could see each bandit have received several stab wound by this man.

"I am Marcos, and I follow the god of war Arturo. You should thank him for bringing me to save you. You guys should become his believer if it was not for him I would not be here." (Marcos

We have never heard of this god so we wonder who he is

"We have never heard of this God of War." (Merchants)

"He is a new God of War. He has only been a God of War for 100 years. The reason as to why you guys do not know of him is because he did not want people to ask a thing from him. It took about 100 years for him to let the people that follow him the mountain to spread his name." (Marcos)

The man says those word to us we were really surprised about this.

"We will become a follower. If it was not for him, we might have died here. We will spread the name of him. We will try to convert people into following him." (Merchants)

"Pray to him if he thinks you are worthy he will grant you his blessing. This will prove that you guys are his believer." (Marcos)

We drop to our knee and bow our head towards the floor three times. The reason we did this was to show respect towards the god that has saved us by sending this man.

"We pray to you almighty God of War to guide us and to protect us. We only ask this so we can spread your almighty name. We are grateful for your kindness towards us. We thanking for sending Marcos to protect us." (Merchants)

We start to feel a small tattoo forming in our hand. This seems to be the symbol of the god we started to believe on. The tattoo stop forming, and there was a black dragon with gold on the edges. This symbol is really beautiful. We start to feel small changes in our body. It felt like we have improved in every aspect. It feels like ever stat has raised by a small margin. This small margin can be the difference between death and life.

"Congratulations you all have received the blessing of the God of War. Arturo has told me to give you a task to prove to him your value. He says that you guys have a reward for having his blessing. The quest he says for you guys to do is to for every single one of you to convert 100 people to his believers. Hey, say that when this task is done you guys should have a meeting with all the believer and call to him. Hey also say at that time you guys will receive a reward that a few people have received." (Marcos)

We have to accept this task. We wonder what more can there be as a reward.

"We accept the quest. We will show that got of war that it was not a waste of time to save us. We will repay the kindness he shows to us. We do not need a reward, but if it is his will, we should get rewarded for his greatness." (Merchants)

We have now a mission we cannot disappoint Arturo. He has put his faith on us after all.

"Very well our time here has come to an end. I have to travel. I have to spread the name of our god. People need to know of his greatness. I have my own mission that I have to complete. I am sure that our path will cross again my friends. When that happens, I will be happy to meet with you guys. I do not know when our path will cross again."

Marcos left us without letting us say our goodbye. We start to travel back to the capital we have a mission to do.