Capital City and the guild

Nothing major has happened after I left the merchants. I have been walking around ever since. It has been a week since I last saw those merchants. It seems like I have arrived at the border between the forest and a city. I wonder what city is that. This will be my first time seeing a city in this new world.

I start to walk towards the city. There is a big wall that protects the city. I can see a castle at the far of the city from here. It looks amazing. The castle is painted white like clouds. It is amazing. From I can see. I made my way towards the wall to enter the city. I was amazed by how tall and beautiful this wall is. It seems like there is a guard near the entrance. He seems to notice me as I keep approaching towards the entrance.

"Who goes there?" (Gatekeeper)

"I am Marcos. I would like to enter the city. I want to become an adventurer. There is an adventure guild here right?" (Arturo)

I say to the guard with a curious face. I really to be an adventure. I want to see how that feels.

"Of course there is one Marcos. I can bring you there. This one of the job of the gatekeeper anyways. You will have to pay 2 copper coins to enter the city and 2 other for me bringing you to the adventure guild." (Gatekeeper)

After I pay, I follow the gatekeeper. It seems like another gatekeeper replace him after we left. The city is even more beautiful after you enter. I am in love by how this city is designed. There are many houses. They are so beautiful and breathe taking. I have never seen a house built this way.

We arrive in front of a tall beautiful building. This building was located in the middle of the city. From the looks of things, this is the adventure guild. I can hear people chatting from the outside of this building. The Gatekeeper opens the door, so we can enter. Everyone in the rooms turns toward to see who has arrived.

This room is even more beautiful from the inside. It is huge in here. There are many tables around this building. There is a lot of people here. There is a huge board with many papers attach to it. It seems like those are quest you can take.

We approach the counter.

"I bring someone that wish to register to be an adventure. I will be leaving since I already have brought him here." (Gatekeeper)

He left as quickly as he enters. Everyone in this room is looking at me like I am a new toy or something. There is a beautiful woman behind the counter. She wearing some type of uniform that makes her look sexier than she already is. She has red hair. Her eyes are blue as the sky. Her skin is light.

"I hear from the gatekeeper that you would like to join the guild. My name is Vanesa. Please fill up this form for me. The reason for this is so I can issue you your guild card." (Vanesa)

I feel the application as I was to do by the pretty Vanesa. I finish filling it up in a few minutes. I walk toward the counter to inform her that I already have finished filling up the application.

"Miss Vanesa, I already have finished filling up the application. What do I have to do next?

"You will have to take a test which will determine the class you are. Not many people know exactly the class they have so this is why this test is necessary. The test will begin right now. There is a group of who are about to take the test, so you made it just in time." (Vanesa)

I follow Vanesa to a big room that seems to be an Arena. This room was so big. There is a pretty big wall all around the arena. This makes this arena look like the Colosseum. There are roughly 20 people who seem to be taking the exam as well.

"I have brought someone else to take the exam." (Vanesa)

She left the room after saying that. It seems like everyone leave once there job is done.

"You will be the last to take the exam Marco. You wondering how I know your name. I was told by Vanesa. Now get in line, and wait for your turn. My name is Mario by the way." (Mario)

The first person to take the exam it was a girl. Mario asks her to choose a weapon. She chooses two daggers. Mario was surprised by her choice but continue with the exam.

She got ready with her dagger in hand waiting for Mario to start the test. Mario has a short sword to fight her. The girl made the first move attacking with her dagger. The problem that she has is that she is to slow resulting in her losing the match. Mario told her that she will start as a rank F, this is the lower someone can get.

Everyone in the room has a chance to fight and it was my turn now I was excited to find out what my rank is going to be. I decide to fight Mario with my bare hand. This made everyone in the room surprised. I cast a fireball in both of my hand. Mario and the rest of the people look at me like I was weird.

"I am ready to fight." (Arturo)

I start to go toward Mario slowly with my hand on fire. I start to throw punches at him with a normal speed. My punches did not hit since he always blocks them. What he did not know was that every time he blocks one of my attacks he receives a small damage. He keeps blocking my attack, but he did not know he was about to collapse. I turn off the flame in my hand as I did I clap my hand, Mario fall to the floor unconscious.

The reason as to why is because he receives way to much damage from my attack. Everyone in the room was surprising. They did not expect me to win. A healer appeal in the arena, and she starts to heal him with magic. Mario wakes up a few minutes later. His entire body is hurting from what I can see.

"I am sorry I went a little overboard, Mario." (Arturo)

I apologies towards Mario for hurting him.

"You are the first one to cause me this much damage. The thing is you never land a hit on me. That is the thing I do not understand." (Mario)

"This is a special technique of mine. It allows me to cause a lot of damage even when my opponent is blocking. It is a good thing you block the attack I threw at you. If you have not the damage you would have received would have been permanent. I did not use all my power to attack you either, I made it easier on you." (Arturo)

"This is indeed a special skill. Since you were able to defeat me I grant you the rank of Class B. this is the highest I can assign people to. I have never made someone a Class before right after the test. Consider yourself lucky. You have to go to the counter and get your guild card. They already have finished making it." (Mario)

I started to walk toward the counter to receive my guild card. The card is ready to be retrieved.

"You are a Rank B. this mean that every time there is an emergency within the area you are in you will need to help them. Once you accomplish 10 special mission you can Rank up." (Vanesa)

"I want to know where I can sell my material that I have gathered so far. I have a lot of materials." (Arturo)

"Can I please see all the materials you have?" (Vanesa)

I did as I once instructed by her. I put every single material I had in order. I also put the dagger that I took from the bandit out.

I received 60 silver coins for all the things I had. I left the guild after receiving the money. I found an inn and I decide to stay on it for a week.

One of your believers converted 2 people into your believers.

One of your believers converted 2 people into your believers.

One of your believers converted 2 people into your believers.

One of your believers converted 2 people into your believers

You have level up

Point require to level up additional 10 believers.

Luck event trigger 5x10 on attribute bonus

Check status as some stuff has changed

Status Of God Of War

Name Arthuro total Level 2

Race God Rank of god Unranked

HP 1100+250 Mana 1000+250

Stamina 10100+250 Strength 3100+200

Speed 10100+250 Defense 1100+250

Luck 0+250 Wisdom 1100+250




Required to rank up 100000

Believer Require to level up 20

Title: New God Of War

Skills Passive Skill

Advance Mastery of Sword Arts Level 10 Give a small Attribute point to all skill Level 1

Appraisal Level 10 Believers will receive 1/10 of your Attribute point

bare- hand combat art Level 10 Attribute Point + 200 to all stats

Fireball Leve l1 Believer Converted Level 1