Going Hunting

I am really surprised that I had level up that fast. All my attribute have increased by 100. The Attribute Points bonus has increased by 10. This is extremely amazing. It was a really good idea to give those merchants that little quest. I am sure they will help me level up even more.

I went outside the city to go hunting monster. I want more money, so I can buy equipment. As of now, I am using the sets of daggers I earn from killing the bandit leader. These daggers are extremely useful.

I am walking toward the forest. I want to see what kind of monster I can hunt today. I enter the big forest.

"It is show time. Let's kills a lot of monsters." (Arturo)

I say to myself as I enter the forest ahead of me. I walk for like 5 minute, and I find a wild boar. I decide to kill it, so I can see what I can gain from it. I start to run toward the boar with two daggers in my hand. I stab and slice the wild boar with my dagger. The wild boar drops to the floor without knowing what had happened.

You have deal 75 damage to the boar.

You have obtained one boar skin

You have obtained one boar meat.

You have obtained one boar heart.

You have obtained 4 wild boar bones.

Wow, I got 4 item for killing a wild boar this is extremely amazing. I was not expecting that. I kept walking deeper into the forest. I start to hear a weird noise, so I decide to investigate. There is a group of roughly 30 goblins fighting from what I can see 3 adventure. Of the three adventure, there is one woman. They have received several wounds. I decide to help them.

I approach one of the goblins with my extremely fast speed. I slice his throat with my dagger. He drops to the floor with just that he is already dead. I move toward another two goblins. I slice the throat of one of the goblin while stabbing the other several times in the heart.

You have dealt a critical hit

You have deal 70 damage to 3 goblins.

You have obtained 3 goblins' skin.

You have obtained 3 goblins' meat

You have obtained three low-quality short sword.

3 goblins are down 27 more to go. I keep advancing toward the rest of the goblins. With a swing of my dagger. I cut one of the goblin stomach open. Then I stab that goblin several times. He drops to the floor with a green liquid coming out of his body.

You have deal 70 damage to a goblin.

You have obtained a goblin's skin.

You have obtained a goblin's meat.

You have obtained a wooden spear

I enchant my daggers with two fireballs. With a snap of my finger, a small fireball starts to form. I add that fireball into my daggers. With fast speed, I start to swing my daggers around. The fire that the daggers have to deal a lot of damage to a group of 5 Goblin major causing burns. This combination of attacking with a weapon enchanted by a Fireball is really impressive. I can stab and burn an opponent at the same time.

You have deal 100 damage to 5 goblins.

You have obtained 5 goblins' skin.

You have obtained 5 goblins' meat.

You have obtained 5 medium quality daggers.

I keep attacking the goblins, and I kill the remaining 21 goblins extremely fast speed.

You have deal 500 damage to a hobgoblin.

You have obtained one hobgoblin's skin

You have obtained one hobgoblin's meat

You have obtained one low-quality medium sword.

You have deal 100 damage to all remaining 20 goblins.

You have deal 70 damage to 20 goblins.

You have obtained 20 goblins' skin.

You have obtained 20 goblins' meats

You have obtained 20 low-quality daggers.

As I finish killing the last goblin, I see many goblin corpses laying in the floor with a pool of green liquid all around them. I start to walk toward the three adventure and introduce myself to them after putting my daggers away.

"My name is Marcos. I am a B rank adventure. I hope that you guys are not hurt anywhere. May ask what is you guys name?" (Arturo)

"Who the fuck you think you are talking to her ladyship peasant." (One of the adventure)

"Is that any way to talk to someone that helps us, Miguel. I am 1st princess Marissa Da-Fiore. Thank you for saving us. This next to me is Michael and Miguel. They are both my bodyguard." (Marissa)

What in the world I got into. I bet now she would like for me to join her kingdom or something. Blah, this is not good not good at all.

"I am sorry my lady. I did not know you were a princess. I come from a small village in the mountains. We barely go out, so I do not know who is who. I can escort you guys back to the capital city. Of course, this is if you guys want." (Arturo)

"We would appreciate that. I want you to go to the castle with me. I want my father to reward you for saving his only daughter." (Marissa)

I knew this was coming. Fuck fuck fuck. I got no choice but to go with them. I do not want to cause any issue to myself.

"I escort you guys to the castle, but I do not need to be rewarded. I did what anyone would do if they see someone that needs help." (Arturo)

"I insist. I will not take a no for an answer even if I have to gather the army to get you." (Marissa)

"I guess I have no choice than. I will go with you." (Arturo)

I could have killed them but I rather not. Who knows what this reward they will give me be.

"I will be going with you to the castle my lady. I do not want you to call the army just for someone like me. I am just someone from the mountain. Nothing more nothing less." (Arturo)

We start to walk toward the city. I was quiet the entire time no wanting to get them mad. This my first time dealing with a princess after all. We arrive at the border of the city in one hour. I bet that if I was by myself I could have arrived earlier. The gatekeeper saw the princess, and he immediately opens the door for her. We walk toward the castle, and I still have not said a word.

We arrive at the castle, and the knight at the door let us in. There was a girl with a maid outfit waiting for the princess to enter.

"Elizabeth can you inform father that I wish to speak with him. It is an extremely important matter, and it cannot wait." (Marissa)

The room inside the place it is so amazing. There is a lot of carpets that look like they are extremely expensive. The walls are painted light blue with white in some part. I am waiting on the entrance afraid to move. I do not want to cause an issue.

"What are you doing standing there? Please come in. You are my guess after all. Would you like to something while we wait" (Marissa)

"How can a person like me eat at the castle? By me being here is enough my lady." (Arturo)

Before Marissa could have answered the maid came back.

"The king is ready to see you, my princess." (Maid)

The princess starts to walk toward what it seems to be the throne room. We arrive at the throne room a few minutes later. In the middle of the room, there was a man sitting on the throne. I do not know if I need to bow or what to do. I decide to bow slightly to show my respect towards the king.

"My daughter comes to me. Give a kiss to your father." (King)

It seems like the king has not noticed me yet which is a good thing I do not want to be noticedd by him at all. The princess says to the king.

"Father, we have a visitor here. This is the important matter I have to report to your father." (Marissa)

"I am Marcos, your majesty. I come from a small village in the mountains." (Arturo)

"Father is more than just some that come from the mountains. He has saved my life. I might have been dead right now if it was not for him. You should reward him,, father." (Marissa)

I feel a sharp pain in my right hand, and I start to feel extremely dizzy. I drop to the floor while screaming in pain. I look at my right hand and there is a small tattoo forming on it. I continue to scream louder and louder. The pain stops after 1 hour. Nobody could have touched me while I was like this. I look at my hand and there was a tattoo with gold all around it. The king as well had a tattoo on his hand similar to mind. The difference was his was all black, but it was starting to have some gold on the edges.

You have unlocked your mark

You have gained 100% increase to all the stat, and attribute points

Check status to see the changes.

Status Of God Of War

Name Arthuro total Level 2

Race God Rank of god Unranked

HP 2200+500 Mana 2200+500

Stamina 20200+500 Strength 6200+500

Speed 20200+500 Defense 2200+500

Luck 0+500 Wisdom 2200+500

Believer 10 Required to rank up 100000

Believer Require to level up 20

Title: New God Of War

Skills Passive Skill

Advance Mastery of Sword Arts Level 10 Give a small Attribute point to all skill Level 1

Appraisal Level 10 Believers will receive 1/10 of your Attribute point

bare- hand combat art Level 10 Attribute Point + 500 to all stats

Fireball Leve l1 Believer Converted Level 1