Chapter 13- Archery class

After a long night rest, I got up of my bed and got dress. I knock on the door of Marissa room. I told her it was time to wake up that we had a class in one hour. Ten minutes later, she was dress and ready to go. We decided to go to the cafeteria and eat something before going to class. The food that we got was two pieces of bread with some eggs and lemonade juice.

After we got done eating, we started to make our way toward the archery room. It seems like the princess love archery. The reason as to why I think this is because she has a big smile on her face while we were going there. Three minutes later, Marissa and I arrived at the archery field. There was a lot of people there. They were excited it looked like it was their first time using the bow.

Marissa saw Elizabeth and made her way toward her with a smile on her face. I decided to follow her since I did not have anything better to do. The two of them started to talk about their day they were having so far. Since I did not care about what they were saying, I decided to pretend like I was listening to them. 20 minute later, the professor of the class finally arrived. The professor was a young girl. She was on her early 20s I would say.

"Welcome all to the archery class. My name is Sophie. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I will be your archery teacher for the next three month. I know that all of you guys probably do not know anything about being an archer but that will change at the end of the 3 months. I would like to see you guys using bows and arrow. The reason for this is so I know how to help you all. I want 10 people on time to make a shot against the targets. You guys decided who will be first since I do not really care." The teacher Sophie said to us.

A group of ten people got their bow and arrow. They started to shoot their target. I should say failed to shoot the target. Some of them missed the target by a lot. After those ten were finished another group of 10 students steps up. In this group of people, Marissa was one of them. She hit the target 3 times. Some of the people hit it 1 and some hit the target two times. Seems like Marissa is somewhat of a good archer.

It was finally my time. There is a group of 10 people. This will be the final ten. I let the nine of them shoot their target first. What I saw made me puke inside. They suck so back. A girl was better than them. They did not even make one hit on the target. Marissa signal me to fire my arrows. I grabbed three arrows and pulled back the string with them. I let go of the arrow and all three of them went through their target and hit a wall. I was only using 5 percent of my strength. After that, I grabbed the last two and did the same with them. The same thing happens again.

Everyone in the field was surprised by what they were seeing. The only one that did not surprise of course was Marissa since she has seen me used archery before. The room was silent for like 2 minute. Nothing could be heard in the room.

"That Marcos for you guys. He always showing off when it comes to archery. This is not even the best he can do. He was not showing off. Trust me if he were that wall would have been destroyed. The reason as to why I know this is because I have seen it before. My name is Marissa Da Fiore, and I am the first princess of the country. You might ask who he is. The answer to that is simple he is one of the generals of the country. You might ask what a general and a princess is doing here? The answer to that is simple we are here to gain more experience." Marissa said to the group with a big smile on her face.

(Sophie point of view)

Well, today is the day where I get to start to train new recruit in archery. How annoying and boring is that? I just want to go out and kill monsters. This will be the most boring three months of my life. I always say that every time I get a new class.

After getting ready, I went to the archery field. What I saw there made me want to puke my stomach out. This group of student looks so pathetic. They look like they never have held a bow in their hand. How annoying is that? I guess I will tell them to show me the archery skill to see how bad they are. This will be fun I want to make fun of them so bad. I told them to shoot at the target. The order was to do so in groups of ten.

The first group stunk so badly. This going to be the worst class I ever had. The second group did way better. There is a cute girl that is not bad. Out five arrows, she made three that is a decent score. This, of course, made me happy. The third group was up. Nine of them fire their arrows, and they were so bad. They did not make one hit.

There is one guy that has not fire his arrows yet. He looked at the girl that have made3 shots at the target. When she nodded, he begins to take out his arrow. He took three arrows at the same time. This made me laugh. What a rookie he is. This going to be a good show. This kid is really arrogant. I bet he won't even be able to hit one target.

The guy pulled back the string with the three arrows. He released the three arrow three seconds later. What happens next was truly amazing. Not only did the 3 arrows hit the target. They went through them. The three arrows finally hit the wall behind the target. With a big boom, the arrows stopped moving. You could see the arrows stuck against the concrete wall. I have never seen this before. After the arrow stopped at the wall, the guy grabbed two more arrows. He pulled the string back with the two arrows, and he fires them at the target. The same thing happens again.

What the fuck I just saw. I made my way with the principal since she was in the class. What I saw made I hear stop. The target had a small hole on the front, but the hole on that back was huge. It looked like a cannon hit the target instead of an arrow. The principal and I continue to walk toward the concrete wall. What we saw left us with our mouth open. The concrete wall had a crack on them. This is the first time I have seen this. After checking the result we went back toward the student. At this time, a girl was talking.

"That Marcos for you guys. He always showing off when it comes to archery. This is not even the best he can do. He was not showing off. Trust me if he were that wall would have been destroyed. The reason as to why I know this is because I have seen it before. My name is Marissa Da Fiore, and I am the first princess of the country. You might ask who he is. The answer to that is simple he is one of the generals of the country. You might ask what a general and a princess is doing here? The answer to that is simple we are here to gain more experience." The Princess said with a smile on her face.

Everyone on the room dropped to their knee including me to show that we are respectful toward them.