Chapter14- Magic class

It seems like I did it again. Everyone is looking at me like I am some sort of monster. Well, who can blame them I did something that no one can do. The thing that I hated it when Marissa bragged about it. She also told them about our identity. This is going to become a pain in the neck. This I already know. The principal is looking at me with a weird gaze, while everyone else has their mouth wide open in shock.

While everyone is in shock, I made my way toward Marissa. I decided to whisper something on her ear.

"I did not want people to know who I was yet. Now, I will have to talk to them. They will show their respect to me every time they see me. To be honest I do not really care about people bowing to me. You will have to fix that since that was you are the one that does it."

What a pain this is. Now everyone will know my true identity. Well, I guess that was going to happen sooner than later, but still is sort of an annoying.

"All rise. Everyone does not have to vow to us treat us as any student. I should have not say who we would for that I am sorry. I do not want my title of a princess to get me more than I deserve. I ask you all to not vow before when you guys see us. I would like to ask you all to pretend that I am no princess, and Marcos is no general." Marissa to all of them with a polite tone of voice.

Everyone that was on the field stood up. The class that Marissa and I had was magic. I will be using my fireball of course. The magic that Marissa use is healing magic, and she is really good at it. We decided to leave the archery field. The class was going to start on about 15 minutes. The magic field was about 5 minutes away from where we were.

5 minute later, Marissa and I finally made to where the magic class will be held. There were roughly 30 people in this class as well. It seems like we are the only new people in this class. The reason as to why I think that is because everyone is looking at us like we were some noobs. I cannot really explain, nor do I care about it.

Marissa and Arturo were talking while waiting for a professor to arrive. After about 10 minutes, the professor finally arrives. The professor was an old man holding a cane. He has a long white beard. He actually looked funny in my opinion.

"My name is Loreson. I will be your magic professor. Many of you already know me. the reason is that you have taken classes with me before. I see two new people, so that is why I introduce myself to the class. I would like to see you guys use magic against each other in a battle. The healer, of course, will not fight. The reason for that is simple we don't want to hurt them. I know there might not be any healer but I had to say that. The way we test the healer is by healing those that have received an injury during battle." Loreson says to the class.

At this very moment, Marissa stepped to the side. The reason for this was because she was a healer. Her action made everyone in the group surprise. The reason for this is because healers are considered super rare in this world. For every 1000 people, they were one healer. Everyone else had come to fight with them except me. I notice that the principal was in this class as well. It seems like she will go to every class Marissa and I go to.

The first two people got into the arena. They got into their position. The girl began to use water magic, while the guy was using what seem like wind magic. The battle lasted for a 2 minute. The one that one the fight was the girl. The reason for this is because her magic was more powerful than the boy.

"Hey, stupid healer do your job and heal me. What the fuck are you waiting for? Are you waiting for an invitation to do your fucking job? What stupid girl she is? Man is funny she cannot even heal properly." The guy that just finish fighting began to talk badly toward Marissa.

Marissa began to walk to the boy. I decided to stop her.

"Do not heal him. He does not deserve to be healed by you. If he tries something stupid, I will step in. do not worry I will not let anything happen to you on my watch." I say to her while smiling like I have a plan.

The boy continues to talk badly about Marissa. This boy is getting me mad. I pointed my finger toward him and released a fireball using .5% of my power. The reason for this was because I did not want to kill him of course. The fireball travel extremely fast. In less than ten seconds, the fireball has hit its targets. The boy dropped to the floor with a loud boom. It seems like he was unconscious.

"Anyone else wants to make fun of the only healer we have? Speak now. What matter? Why you all are quiet now? It seems like you guys were not expecting me to defend her. Healers are extremely important, but you guys treated one of them like crap. Is it because she is a girl? Marissa, you will not be healing any of this person they do not deserve it since they want to laugh so badly." Marcos says to Marissa while looking at her.

It seems like what I say to the people have hit them. They are quiet including the professor. The next two people walking in the field. They have an awkward expression on their faces. The guy I use fireball on was still laying on the floor unconscious. No one was willing to help him since he causes a big issue for them. The fight began. One of the boys was using lighting magic, while the other one was using fire magic. The fight lasted roughly 1 minute. There was no winner this time. The reason for this was because they knock each other out. Marissa did not step up to heal them either since they have made fun of her before. All the fight kept going still it was my turn. I did not have a battle opponent.

"Who will be my opponent?" I asked the Professor.

"I guess I will be your opponent." The professor says while looking at me.

"I advice you to block my attack or it will not end up pretty for you," I said to the professor as I walk to the field.

"What an arrogant person you are. Do you think you will be stronger than a teacher? This is the funniest thing I have heard from a student before." The professor said to me while laughing his ass off.

"I recommend you to take him serious Professor Lorenso. The reason I say this is because he can kill you easily." Marissa said to the teacher while smiling at him.

"Look at that a healer is talking. What do you know about attack magic? You are just a stupid healer. Do you think we will take you seriously? How funny is that." Everyone continues to mock us. It seems like I will need to teach them a lesson. The principal was smiling like saying what are you going to do next?

While everyone was mocking us, I made my way toward the magic field. I was waiting for the professor to come to fight. A minute later after he was done laughing, he steps onto the field finally. The fight began. The teacher used a magic attack right away. I decided to take the attack. I am pretty sure it will not do anything to me. The attack hit me, and I did not fell a thing.

"Wow, the professor Loreson is so powerful. He did not even manage to bring my Health point down. What a weak attack he uses. If that is the best you got, I am really disappointed in you. The princ,ipal is this the best your magic teacher can do? This is making me want to vomit with embarrassment. He was bragging about how strong he was, and how weak I am. The attack he uses did not even scratch me. Well, I will let him attack me again. This cannot be the best he got. Bring it on old man show me got you got. Do not make disappointed in you. The reason I say this is because you were bragging about how great you were." I said to the professor mocking him.

Everyone on the field stopped laughing after I said that. The professor began to chant something. This is boring. I yawned while waiting for him to finish his chant. I can have killed so many time now. Well, what am I going to eat for lunch today? I am quite hungry. Maybe I will eat some rice with beans and chicken. Yeah, that sounds great right about now.

After 30 seconds, the professor was done chanting, and I was done deciding what I will be eating for lunch. The attack looks so weak. I yawned while waiting for it to hit me. All this chanting for this weak attack. Man o man. This guy is so weak.

"He is done for. That attack is the strongest attack that the professor has. Am I seen things? He is actually yawning. He is so arrogant. I hope he dies with that attack. "Everyone was talking to themselves while looking at the attack.

The attack finally landed on me. After the attack landed I began to laugh like a mad man mocking the professor.

"Wow, impressive firework professor. You should use that magic skill of your's for new year's. I am sure you will get a full mark. People will love the firework. The attack itself was weak. I think you should change your job to a firework guy on New Year's. I think that job will suit you right. How pathetic that attack was. It was more like firework people use on New Year's. I even decided what I was having for lunch while waiting for you to chant your spell. You the funny part is I could have killed you much time if I were an enemy. Well, I guess I will end this right now. Thank you for the fireworks I really enjoy them." I say to the professor while making fun of him.

I think is time to end this fight. My hand began to get fire around them. In less than two seconds, I was in front of the professor. After I was in front of him, I began to throw punches everywhere. He blocked them of course. While I was punching him, I was laughing nonstop. After 30 seconds the professor dropped to the floor unconscious. He has injuries all over his body. He was in a critical condition.

"Well, that was fun. Thank you for the workout I needed that. I know you guys want to know how I manage to make him unconscious. The answer to that is simple. I have a special magic skill that allowed me to used magic in any part of my body. A punch that might look weak to you all. It is an extremely powerful punch. You saw him blocking them right. The thing he did not know was that I was doing a lot of damage while he was blocking them. Well anyways Marissa I am hungry we should go and eat." After I was done talking to the people, I walk to Marissa and told her I was hungry.