Chapter 19 - Einstein Spider's??

Tang Yao, and Janet kept up the awkward conversation for a few minutes, before Tang Yao remembered, that he could now take the 3rd class advancement. Since his cool down on Armageddon of Natural Disasters had now gone off CD.

"Hey Janet, Can I take the next class advancement yet?" asked Tang Yao


'This guy, as soon as he finishes a class advancement he immediately goes for the next one.' thought Janet.

"Also, is there a xp reduction when you do advancement?" asked Tang Yao

"Yes, there is. Normally its is 50% xp reduction." replied Janet

"Good. If i'm lucky, I should be able to get to level 100 in 1 shot." said Tang Yao, "Right, bring me to the next advancement, also make sure its on Impossible."

"Geez, fine. I don't have anything to say to you. Just keep in mind, that you won't be fighting skeleton's anymore. This time, you will most likely have to fight other creatures." said Janet.

"Should be fine, off I go." said Tang Yao

[Advancement Quest - Impossible]


1 day

Quest Failure:

Character erased from game existence

Quest Reward:



Find the Skeletal Key, and Enter the Skeleton Emperor's Castle 0/1

Kill 200,000 Spider lings 0/200000

Kill 10000 Spider's 0/10000

Kill 8000 Fighter Spiders 0/8000

Kill 800 Mutated Fighting Spiders 0/800

Kill 80 Stone Spiders 0/80

Kill Spider Queen 0/1

After Tang Yao accepted the quest, he walked through the gate and saw that the spider's were living in a cave. "This should be easy, they're living in a cave. I'll just use Earth Quake." said Tang Yao. Before flying up, and casting a Magnitude 10 Earth Quake.

{Rumble, Rumble}

The cave collapsed, however the spiders unexpectedly climbed out, without getting hurt. Now there were over a million spiders looking at him.

"Hello, there." said Tang Yao, while casting a Nuclear Bomb, "And now, goodbye."

Tang Yao, unleashed the nuclear bomb, onto the millions of spiders below. A another familiar scene occurred, a gigantic Mushroom cloud, and the sound of leveling up, all came from a person flying above.

"Easiest XP ever!" laughed Tang Yao

However, after the smoke cleared up, there were still some spiders left.

"Huh? WTF these resilient guys. They definitely won't survive another Nuclear Blast." said Tang Yao, before dropping yet, another nuclear bomb on them. However before, the bomb even hit the ground, one of the spiders, shot webs at it, and caught the bomb before it hit the ground, so it didn't exploded.

"EH WTF, YOU CAN DO THAT?" shouted Tang Yao.

Even more unexpectedly, the spider that caught the bomb, hurled it back at Tang Yao.

"Holy shit, wtf why are these spiders so smart?!" Tang Yao didn't even dodge, before his Nuclear Bomb hit him.


The bomb blew up right in Tang Yao's face, destroying his Qi shield, and his HP bar, was now dropping extremely fast. Within a few seconds it would hit 0. However, Tang Yao casted Super Analeptic on himself, which returned his HP back, and his Qi shield back. However the shield broke once again, and his HP started dropping again. And Tang Yao casted Super Analeptic again, a familiar scene kept occurring until his shield broke for the 20th time, and his HP stopped at half.

"WTF, That was my bomb, so how did it do damage to me?!" shouted Tang Yao in frustration.

"FUCK YOU SPIDERS, IM GOING TO SEND YOU INTO OBLIVION!" shouted Tang Yao, before casting Super Massive Black Hole on them. However, most of the spiders, shot webs to stick to stuff, so they wouldn't get dragged away.

"Oh, you think your so smart eh?!" said Tang Yao, "Then take this!" before using telekenisis on all of the spiders, and dragging them towards the black hole.

{Woosh! Woosh!}

Nearly all of the spiders, went into the black hole, turning into XP for Tang Yao. However, there was still one spider left, being dragged towards the black hole. Tang Yao observed the spider, and found out the reason that they were so smart.

[Tier 6 - Mutated Emperor Spider Queen - Level 550]

Mutated with the radiation of a Nuclear Bomb, has intelligence 5x smarter than a human being, and reasoning/understanding several times better than humans. .

HP 65 billion/1 trillion.

"I see, next time I'm just going to use a black hole to avoid all of this." said Tang Yao before using his full force Telekinesis and sending the Spider Queen into the black hole. 'I also need, some kind of invulnerability, or some kind of super passive, that prevents me from dying' thought Tang Yao.

While waiting for the quest completion to pop up.

[Quest Completed]

Quest Reward:

5x Level

3x increase in all main stats.

Earrings of the Undying Impossibility - Pseudo-Legendary

The earrings, that prevents the dying of the Impossibility

+200% Defense

+200% HP Regeneration

+200% Vitality

Passive - Undying

If any attacks were to bring your HP to 0, it would automatically bring your HP back to 1%, and give you 2 seconds of invulnerability.

Cool down - Until HP goes back to full.

*When doing Impossible ranked Quest Advancements, monsters inside are 15% weaker, and give 50% more rewards.*

"Speak of the devil... Guess, my luck stat is really paying off." said Tang Yao before entering, the portal and returning to the Adventurer Guild.

'So I leveled up 30 times, during the advancement. plus 5 from the rewards, and I was level 55, before I started so now, I'm level 90. What do I put my stats in? I have 1640 stat points. I'll put a thousand into Intelligence to increase my damage, and shield, then I'll put the rest into Vitality to increase my HP.' thought Tang Yao.


[Stats] Super Kaio-Ken

Name - Dip Stick

Tier - 1

Class - [Hidden Mythical Growth Class] Novice Stick Emperor

Class - [Legendary Class] Elemental and Natural Forces Wizard

Class - [Legendary Class] Qi Master

Level - 90

HP - 4.76 C

Mana - 9.12 B x 5 = 4.56 A

Strength - 587 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 100% + 15% = 2.23 D

Agility - 237 + 50 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 1000% = 5.22 D

Dexterity - 141.5 + 50 + 200% + 100% = 1.58 E

Vitality - 834 + 15% + 200% + 200% +100% +100% = 4.76 D

Defense - 231 + 15% + 200% + 200% + 100% + 100% + 100% = 2.63 D

Intelligence - 3062.5 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 1700% = 9.12 C

Luck - 150

Stat Points - 0


Author's Note

Today is my birthday, and I'm going to have a party. So this chapter won't be as long as the other chapters, and I hope you can understand that. I'll try to make tomorrow chapter longer, also tomorrow will probably be the last chapter for around 2 weeks. Since, I'm going on vacation on Saturday, the 20th.

