Chapter 20 - Farming, and Familiar?

After Tang Yao finished up, with allocating his stats, he was pondering what he was going to do next, he needed to get 10 more levels to get to level 100, and qualify for the magic competition. Which is in 7 in-game days. He still had 2 days left, until he had to log off. So in about 3 real life days, he will have to be at level 100.

"Hey Janet." asked Tang Yao

"What?" replied Janet

"Do you know any good leveling places around level 250+?" asked Tang Yao


"Yes... I do... If you look on a map, and head towards the location called the Spirit Isles, you will encounter spirits there than are around level 250, and above." answered Janet.

"Spirits? Is there a special skill I need to use, to kill them?" asked Tang Yao

"Anything with magic will work, just no physical attacks. Though, they take more damage toward light element attacks." answered Janet.

"Hmm alright, do you have a map also?" asked Tang Yao

"50 Silver." said Janet


"For free?" asked Tang Yao

"No." replied Janet

"Please?" asked Tang Yao

"No..." replied Janet

"Fine, take your 50 silver." said Tang Yao, before giving her 50 silver.

"Thank you for your patronage, if you ever need anything, please come back." said Janet, with the classic pre-prepared line.

"God damn it, that like 500$ right there." muttered Tang Yao, before leaving the guild, and started to follow the map. 'Hm, looks like normally it would take 2 days to get there, but I can get there in less than a minute, if I use my flight.' thought Tang Yao

Tang Yao walked to the city gate, and was about to fly off, when Amanda came out of no where, and shouted at him, "Were you about to go farming for monsters without me?!"

"Uh..." said Tang Yao, 'Shit, i forgot about that promise.'

"So..Where are you going to?" asked Amanda

"The Spirit Isles. A level 250+ farming area..." said Tang Yao "Also, did you complete your advancement?"

"Yep, I did." said Amanda

"What difficulty?" asked Tang Yao

"Hard... I would done a higher difficulty, but this lady named Janet, said that I wouldn't have a chance..." said Amanda in a depressed tone.

'Yep, that sounds like her.' thought Tang Yao, 'always restricting others.'

"So, are you going to come with me?" asked Tang Yao

"Of course, If I can leec- I mean, help you get XP, why wouldn't I?!" said Amanda


'She definitely mean't to say leech...'

"Alright, hop on to my back, and hold on tight." said Tang Yao

"Okay~!" said Amanda.

Amanda then hopped onto Tang Yao's back.

Tang Yao, then started to float up into the air, and then...


A sonic wave blasted everyone in the city, as Tang Yao was traveling at 1% the speed of light. As Tang Yao was flying he got several messages, saying that he killed [Blank] Monster and got [Blank] XP.

"How are you holding up?" asked Tang Yao

"WH-A-T T-H-E FUC-K IS THIS?!" shouted Amanda, in a really unclear voice because, of the wind.

"Hold on, I'm going to accelerate a little bit." said Tang Yao



Before Amanda could say anything, Tang Yao, accelerated going even faster, while Amanda, grabbed onto Tang Yao holding, for dear life. A few moments later, Tang Yao landed on a dark, and shadowy place.

"And! We are here." said Tang Yao

"Ughh... Remind me, to never ask to fly with you again." said Amanda, while trying to stand still.

"Invite me to a party, so we can share XP." share Tang Yao

":Hold On, give me a sec, and done. sent it." said Amanda.

"Now the fun can begin!" said Tang Yao

"Get on my back, we need to be in the air" said Tang Yao

"Okay, but you better not fly fast." said Amanda.

"Yep don't worry." said Tang Yao

Amanda got on Tang Yao's back, before he flew up into the air. Preparing to use his Armageddon of Natural Disasters.

"Are you ready?" asked Tang Yao


Just as Tang Yao was about to use it, he remembered that he had a spell called Super Spell Overdrive, which made the spell even bigger, and stronger. 'This should increase the range, and damage of the spell.' thought Tang Yao, before casting Spell Overdrive, and casting Armageddon of Natural Disasters.

A familiar scene to Tang Yao showed up, but horrified Amanda, who thought that Tang Yao's fireball was scary.

Hundreds, or Tornado's, a giant tsunami out of nowhere, volcanoes, hurricane winds, a volcano all appeared out of no where, and a huge black hole in the center, wrecking havoc on this island. How ever for some reason all the damage pop ups were -0.




"Wait a minute, they aren't taking any damage." said Tang Yao out loud.

"What do you mean?" asked Amanda

"All the damages are -0." said Tang Yao

"What?!" exclaimed Amanda, "This is really bad, you've aggro ed hundreds, and thousands of monsters!"

"Why aren't they taking any damage perhaps... I think I know why they aren't taking any damage!" said Tang Yao

"Hmm Why?" asked Amanda.

"Spirits don't take physical damage, even though I used, magic to invoke all of those natural disasters, the spell itself, does physical damage to them." said Tang Yao, "well, except for the black hole in the center."

"What do we do now?" asked Amanda.

"Hehe don't worry, I can still use light blast, on them." said Tang Yao

"But, that single spell won't be big enough, to take of all of these monsters." said Amanda.

"Don't underestimate me." said Tang Yao, before checking the damage of Light Blast.

Evolved Light Blast - Super Rare

Charges, up a ball of light, dealing, 150% of Intelligence + 100% of Qi. Deal's 10x more damage, towards undead, spirits, and evil creatures. By adding an additional 1000 Qi, the spell will do 1% more damage, grow by half a feet, and the radius of the explosion is increased by a meter.

Cost - 5000 Qi + x1000

Cool Down - None

Level 0/10 XP 0/1000

Tang Yao charged the ball with 0.001% of his Qi, which made the ball of light almost 700 km big.

"I believe this should be able to deal enough damage" said Tang Yao


"I really don't know what to say anymore. I can't be surprised, by you anymore." said Amanda.

"Alright.." said Tang Yao before, unleashing the huge ball of light towards all the spirits below.




[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


Amanda's, and Tang Yao's level soared, until Tang Yao was level 99, and Amanda, was level 91.

"Sure enough, the XP gap between 99 and 100, is really big." said Tang Yao out loud.

"What do we do now? All of the spirits are dead" said Amanda.

"We do what any other person would do. Wait for them to respawn, to kill them again. Until we are satisfied." said Tang Yao

"Doesn't that take a lot of mana though?" asked Amanda.

"Nah, I used less than 1% of my mana." said Tang Yao in a carefree voice.


It takes, about 1 hour, for the monsters to respawn, so they did for 10 straight hours, until, they were both over level 150.

"I'm tired, lets go back Amanda." said Tang Yao

"Now, your tired..." said Amanda, in an exasperated voice

"Well, I'm not really tired, I'm just bored from waiting." said Tang Yao


"Whatever, let's go back then." said Amanda.

"Alright hop on my ba-"


"Nevermind, lets kill whatever that was real quick, then we'll go back." said Tang Yao


"Sure." said Amanda.

Just as Tang Yao, was charging up his light blast, he received a notification.

[You have been cursed by the Spirit King]

He will chase you for revenge, for all the spirits you have killed.

Each time you kill him, he will grow stronger, with a stronger sense of revenge.

He will chase after you to the ends of this planet.


'Free XP?' though Tang Yao, before unleashing his light blast.

[You have killed the Spirit King]

+193,461,123 XP

[The Spirit King, will revive from the dead 100% stronger, and chase after you in 1 week.]

'Isn't that when the magic competition is? Ehhh... what's the worst the could happen.' thought Tang Yao, before going back to the city.

After Tang Yao got back to the city, he and Amanda parted ways. She was going to go do her quest advancement.

"Should I do my quest advancement yet?" said Tang Yao out loud. 'Actually, don't have that spell that Gandalf gave me, wasn't it called Familiar Summon, or something?' thought Tang Yao.

Familiar Summon - Growth

A one time spell, that can summon a random creature (Baby Mushroom Monster, A baby Angel, Fairy, Demons...) that is level 1, and can grow with the users. The XP split is 50/50. If a familiar dies, they will suffer the same punishment as regular players, the powers a familiar gets varies, from the creature.

Cost - None

Cool Down - 1x use.

Level Max

"Let's try it, maybe I'll get something good, with my 150 luck." said Tang Yao, before activating the spell, a small magic circle appeared on the ground, Then a small white figure, appeared, and it was glowing. The figure slowly started to take shape, it was a roundish.

'Holy, shit If I get a mushroom. I'm gonna...'

[Congratulations, your new familiar is ...]


Author's note, you'll find out in 2 weeks =)

This will be my last chap;ter before I go on vacation.
