The people were crowding around here, and Melody tried to see what was going on. She pushed her way through and saw a young boy with bruises. Somewhere in her heart twitched and she moved on instinct to shield the boy with her body from the rest of the bullies. The boy had light blue hairs and eyes, and he smiled faintly.
Melody turned around a realised something that she hadn't considered yet. She wasn't a match for these people. Without a second thought she dragged the boy out of the group, before picking him up into a princess carry and running for a while. She sprinted at full speed as far as she could. After dodging into a narrow alleyway, she set the boy down.
Her arms were slightly tired. The boy was quite a bit malnourished, which was the only reason she could carry him. If she observed him, she could tell that he was about one or two years younger than her.
The boy looked up to her, with curiosity, appreciation and a little bit of idolism on his face.
Melody knelt down and took the boys hand in hers, and gently asked him his name.
"Ah Orez, that's a unique name you have. Where's your family?"
The boy looked up to her. He shook his head. "I live by myself."
The boy scrunched up his face and let out a small groan in pain. He suddenly crouched down in pain and lifted his shirt, revealing a deep wound on his stomach.
The wound that he had seemed to be serious, and the boy fainted in both tiredness and pain. She had already come so far in saving him, she'd probably have to take him to the hospital too. Melody bit her lip for a moment, before taking him as quickly as she could to the hospital.
Her arms were slightly tired from carrying him, but under the pressure, she managed to take him all the way to the hospital and sat patiently by his bedside table. The staff cleaned him up a little, and Melody realised that the little boy was actually quite pretty.
With another quick glance, she paid for his hospital fees and left, slightly worried about the boy. He'd probably have some sort of caregiver or guardian. As well as that, nobody could hurt him in the hospital… he had to have someone to rely on, right?
With that, Melody returned to her house after another eventful day
There were a couple notifications on the chat.
MangoMilkTea: Hey everyone, Ters's birthday is coming up soon right?
TP: That's right
MangoMilkTea: Have you prepared anything? Last year, I got him a Magical Refrainer, but I can't get him the same present twice
TersV: …
MangoMilkTea: Eh??? He said something. Oi Everyone, Ters finally learnt how to use technology.
TP: That's a surprise
MangoMilkTea: Yeah, we all estimated that it'd be a couple more decades before he would figure out how to turn on his phone
TersV: It's not that hard.
MangoMilkTea: But you're old…
TersV: Most immortals are. How do I turn of the phone?
MangoMilkTea: Seeee
Melody soon figured that no important notifications had appeared so she prepared a quick meal and went straight to bed. After such an eventful day, she was pretty tired...