Being coaxed like a small child, Melody really wasn't sure how she should react. The woman in front of her gently smiled at her and told her that she'd be alright now.
Alright? What was wrong before? Melody was slightly confused, but then she figured out what the woman was indicating towards with the slight upset look she threw at the rest of the school. The school must've done something to upset her.
"Melody, right? You'll be going to my school after this. Azure Lane" The woman looked at her expectantly, as if she was supposed to react.
Melody nodded, and the principal quickly figured out that this Melody had absolutely no idea what Azure Lane meant in their world. The principal remembered what she had been told on the way here, that Melody was an exchange student, probably from some place completely isolated. Either way, in this world, magicians were rare and there were barely any people that had magical powers.
Every year in the school, the average number used to be around 60 people, but recently the numbers had almost halved for almost no apparent reason at her. That's why the principal was worried that in a couple of years, magicians would no longer exist.
Miss Heros had cherished and worshipped the powers bestowed on her by the immortals. That's why she hoped that like in the legends, she would be able to eventually ascend to the immortal realm although she wondered if she'd be able to achieve that in her life. That though, had been a dream of hers for a while but she had given it up to teach younglings about this magic.
She smiled gently at the youngster in front of her, wondering what she would be able to in the future. Miss Heros shook herself out of her daze and decided to carefully observe the kid before her. She had black hair, but as Miss Heros observed the girl, she saw that her eyes were a light gray, and underneath it, she felt shimmers of something else.
This girl was not normal. Miss Heros figured that out quickly. She turned around and asked for the blood that the girl had spat out before.
A teacher brought it to her quickly, and as Miss Heros inspected her, her expression quickly changed. The girl was almost certainly a magician, but there were tints in the blood that were normal. Odd. Miss Heros decided not to dwell on it too much and take the girl back to her home.
Melody had been picked up by the magician principal, and princess-carried all the way home. On the way, the principal would ask her certain questions, about her background, which she stuck closely to her alibi that TP had prepared for her.
When she arrived, the principal put her down, looked her in the eye and informed her that she'd be entering Azure Lane academy starting from the next day. The principal then promptly took a robe from thin air. She stuck her hand in the air and murmured some sort of incantation before a robe seemingly dropped from the sky.
Melody raised her eyebrows at this seemingly magical scene. She couldn't expect that something as cool as this could be done here.