Reconstruction Plan

"Look! The Queen is here! The Queen is finally here to see us!" 

The commoners exclaimed the moment they spotted their Queen appearing atop the palace walls and peering down at her subjects.

At this moment, outside the palace gates, both commoners and nobles have filled the streets. The only gap that could be seen, formed a line that separated between the two. 

When the Queen appeared, the commoners wanted to move closer to catch a better glimpse of her appearance. 

"Don't touch me, commoner!" An Earl backhanded the commoner that accidentally stained his clothes with their dirty hands. 

The slap was powerful, and the commoner immediately spat blood with broken teeth sent flying. The Earl was immediately displeased for dirtying his own hands. He took out a white cloth to clean it before looking at the commoner coldly. 

"Mercy, my lord! I was pushed!" The commoner cried.