First Remnant

"Dampen the lights. From here, we must rely on our other senses. Remember your training." Zorbek ordered as they moved. The space ahead of them grew increasing large.

They did not want to alarm the denizens of the darkness. They weren't here to just hunt for carcasses.

During the one-week preparation, in addition to cultivating hard, they were taught by Kasif. His Earth Pulse was a unique bloodline ability that allows him to detect the surroundings like he was seeing them with a different pair of eyes.

Under the Queen's order, Kasif did not reject and carried it out faithfully. The ability was vital to the exploration of the dark world.

The hunting team couldn't replicate the ability, but Kasif's teachings allowed them to gain some insights in the usage of their earth abilities that produce a much weaker effect.

Although they couldn't 'see' like the leader of the shadowguards, they could at least sense the movements in their surroundings.