It Was A Mistake

Just when Leon was at a loss and was prepared to go shop in the Upper District, Lily's weak voice rang out from the side.

"Your Highness, we have plenty of these stationaries back in Violet Plum Courtyard. If you would like, I can go fetch them for you now."

"That would be great."

Leon was not sure why there would be plenty of spare paper and pens placed there, but he did not think too much since he was getting his pen and paper. Perhaps, that was also where they store some miscellaneous items.

"You sound a bit unwell there, Lily. Is everything alright?" Heinrich asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Everything is fine." Lily said, but one could tell she was sleep-deprived from the bags under her eyes.

"You can go back and rest after you are done." Heinrich permitted with a look of understanding.

The palace maid curtsied and left. Violet Plum Courtyard was where the living quarters for the palace maids were located.