Guarding a Crazy Person

Leon did have some faint guesses that the light signal was a call for help, but after Ironhead confirmed this, he began to feel terrible.

He had seen how proud these warriors of the plains are. If the Blackwind Tribe's warriors are just as proud, they would not have sent the signal for help unless the situation was absolutely dire.

'It seems a lot of people are going to die during this Bone Calamity.' Leon mused with a depressed sigh. 

As the culprit who caused the Bone Calamity, the death of every warrior during the Bone Calamity is directly related to him. 

His luck was bad enough after starting the Bone Calamity. He cannot imagine how much it will get after his karmic sin piles up from the death toll. 

While Leon was lamenting over his misfortunate and grim future, the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors on the battlefield also began to notice the Blackwind Tribe's signal for help in the distant southwestern skies one after another.