Unforgettable Experience at The Bathhouse

Walking down the spacious streets of Darkmoon City, Leon's mind was preoccupied with expectations towards the Bathhouse. 

"What do you think of our city, Big Brother Leonhardt?" Ironhead raised the topic while he led the way. 

"The city is quite impressive. It is surprisingly clean, orderly, and spacious. Although it seems like each building are constructed randomly, they are actually nicely arranged with careful consideration." 

Leon gave Ironhead his honest thoughts as he praised the city. 

He was under the impression that the city was being powered by formations. If he had a bird's eye view of the city, he would be able to confirm if it was indeed the case.

Furthermore, although the city was built with primitive means, the interior was far from what he had expected. The city's hygienic practice was surprisingly meticulous, and the air was much fresher than the outside. 

He everything had to do with the formations of the place.