Observers in the World

Crawford Kingdom, the Capital.

The sun was setting, but the looming dark clouds continued to swirl in the skies above the Royal Palace with Aria seated at its center, eyes closed.

Many hours have passed, but the process of Transcendence did not seem like it would end any time soon. 

Clouds gathered, and white lightning crackled with streaks of blue and purple. The power accumulated in the clouds was ever-rising, but without its descent, Aria cannot be baptized and complete her Transcendence.

Heinrich and Elizabeth shortly returned after tending to matters in the east, helping with the railway construction that would connect the Capital to the World Tree—only to be surprised by the scene before them.

"How much time has elapsed since Aria started sitting here? Her Transcendence hasn't ended yet?" Elizabeth said, taken aback before her brows creased with worry.

Heinrich frowned.