Spiritual Sense

"What kind of cultivation technique are you practicing? How did you end becoming like this? Are you an undead now?" Leon asked a series of questions after feeling the soft and tender touch of Duna's cold skin.

"Yeah, I can be considered an undead being now. As for my cultivation technique, that's a secret." Duna winked before eyeing Leon's neck. She licked her lips and revealed her sharp fangs.


Leon's neck was tougher than steel, causing Duna's sharp fangs to fail in piercing his flesh and nearly break instead.

"Your flesh is too tough." Duna frowned while rubbing her fangs.

Leon smiled wryly before slicing his own wrist with sharpened nails before reaching out his bleeding wrist to Duna


Duna quickly held Leon's hand and slurped his blood without wasting a drop. A hint of redness could be seen in her eyes due to her aroused thirst for blood.