Process of Recovery

"Take it. It'll help you feel better for a while," Leon offered a Tier-1 All-Purpose Healing Pill. 

Lilith glanced at the pill for a moment before she shook her head, "My symptoms are mild at present. I can wait. Please help my clansmen who are in direr need of your medicine and treatment." 

"Do you think I am lacking in medicine to treat everyone or something? Take it. They will also get their share." Leon casually tossed the pill directly over.

Lilith immediately panicked. She caught the pill with both hands before she heaved a sigh of relief.

Shortly after, she gave Leon a disapproving glance for treating precious medicine carelessly. But perhaps it was as he said. He did not lack medication. 

"Thank you..." 

Lilith plopped the pill in her mouth without further objections after expressing her gratitude.