Nethergrass Plain

"The secret realm has been opened! However, those pesky humans have taken the lead and disappeared inside the secret realm ahead of us!" a Four-winged Lesser Demon in the lead spoke. 

"No matter. We will catch those humans one by one inside. Their scattered mess won't be able to put up much resistance against our forces," said another Great Demon with six wings. 

"Right!" a lizardman-looking Greater Demon licked his lips and said, "I'm going to enjoy hunting these humans down. They are all dead meat!"


The booming volume of an Arch Demon's voice rippled across the skies before the army of powerful demons began marching into the red portal in the spiral of dark clouds at the top of the colossal earthen staircase. 

The authority of an Arch Demon was something even Greater Demons could only hear and obey.