The Second Trial

With Leon's divine sense, it did not take long to reach the pile of demon corpses. To be exact, there were 32 corpses. 

Even though the Hellbiters' venom continued to contaminate the demon blood within the demon corpses, Leon only needed a few drops of uncorrupted blood from each of their bodies. 

As such, he cannot help but feel excited the moment he laid his eyes on the pile of corpses despite being aware of the number. 

'With this many demon corpses, even if they were all Lesser Demons, I'll be guaranteed to advance the Everlasting Blood Mantra to the next level!' Leon thought. 

However, a split second later, he realized there was something wrong with his judgment. 

'No! There's no guarantee that all their Origin Blood will be unique from one another!' Leon frowned in thought. 

There was a chance that demons belonging to the same clan and sub-race possessed the same set of Origin Blood in their bodies.